L’apporto della comunità scientifica italiana alle prove di efficacia in medicina del lavoro / The contribution of the Italian scientific community to efficacy studies in Occupational Health (1990-2006)
Contenuto principale dell'articolo
Occupational health, EBP
Nel campo della Medicina del Lavoro e della sanità pubblica l’evidence-based prevention riscuote l’interesse della comunità scientifica internazionale. Per evidenziare l’impegno che in Italia è stato dedicato a questo tema, è stata condotta una ricerca sistematica della produzione scientifica italiana. La revisione della letteratura è stata condotta sia attraverso la ricerca manuale che sulla banca dati PubMed, per il periodo 1990-2006. Gli articoli selezionati sono stati classificati per affiliazione del primo autore, caratteristiche dell’intervento preventivo, disegno dello studio, fattore di rischio e settore produttivo. I risultati sono stati confrontati con una revisione condotta sugli atti congressuali della SIMLII. Sono stati reperiti 24 studi in italiano e 9 in lingua inglese. Tre sono i trial randomizzati, mentre il disegno dello studio più comune è il prima - dopo. I fattori di rischio più studiati sono quello chimico ed il rumore. Il settore più studiato è risultato la sanità. Tra gli articoli selezionati, soltanto due (uno in lingua italiana ed uno in inglese) hanno considerato interventi per la prevenzione di infortuni. La valutazione dell’efficacia deve essere parte integrante dell’intervento di prevenzione ed inoltre è importante divulgare i risultati ottenuti, per ampliare le conoscenze sugli interventi di prevenzione basati sulle prove di efficacia.
The contribution of the Italian scientific community to efficacy studies in Occupational Health (1990-2006)
Introduction: Evidence-based prevention (EBP) is gaining growing interest among the international scientific community in the field of Occupational Health. In order to ascertain the commitment that has been made in Italy to participation in EBP, we conducted a systematic review of scientific publications on efficacy evaluations in Italy. Methods: We hand-searched journals and interrogated the PubMed database to identify reports of studies evaluating interventions designed to improve workers’ health in Italy between 1990 and 2006. The selected articles were classified by institutional category (of the first author), intervention methodology, study design, type of risk factor, and occupational sector. Results: We found 23 eligible publications in the Italian language and 9 in English. The most frequent study-design was pre-/post-intervention evaluation; 3 studies were randomized trials. The interventions were aimed mainly at controlling the effects of chemical hazards and noise; health-care settings were the most frequent. We found only 2 studies (1 in English) evaluating the efficacy of interventions targeting injury prevention. Discussion: The systematic approach of EBP can be applied to most occupational health interventions. These results may contribute to the debate on methodology and outcomes in the scientific community.
The contribution of the Italian scientific community to efficacy studies in Occupational Health (1990-2006)
Introduction: Evidence-based prevention (EBP) is gaining growing interest among the international scientific community in the field of Occupational Health. In order to ascertain the commitment that has been made in Italy to participation in EBP, we conducted a systematic review of scientific publications on efficacy evaluations in Italy. Methods: We hand-searched journals and interrogated the PubMed database to identify reports of studies evaluating interventions designed to improve workers’ health in Italy between 1990 and 2006. The selected articles were classified by institutional category (of the first author), intervention methodology, study design, type of risk factor, and occupational sector. Results: We found 23 eligible publications in the Italian language and 9 in English. The most frequent study-design was pre-/post-intervention evaluation; 3 studies were randomized trials. The interventions were aimed mainly at controlling the effects of chemical hazards and noise; health-care settings were the most frequent. We found only 2 studies (1 in English) evaluating the efficacy of interventions targeting injury prevention. Discussion: The systematic approach of EBP can be applied to most occupational health interventions. These results may contribute to the debate on methodology and outcomes in the scientific community.