Movimentazione manuale dei pazienti in un presidio ospedaliero. Analisi del rischio per un progetto di bonifica / Manual lifting of patients in a hospital. Risk analysis for an improvementproject
Contenuto principale dell'articolo
Risk assessment, exposure index, manual lifting of patients, spinal diseases
In uno ospedale dell’area fiorentina è stata effettuata la valutazione del rischio MMPz, calcolando l’indice MAPO, e lo sforzo percepito tramite scala di BORG CR10. Per valutare quali fattori, se bonificati, avrebbero ridotto maggiormente il rischio, sono stati calcolati dei nuovi indici MAPO considerando come bonificata di volta in volta una variabile. Dalla valutazione effettuata su 12 reparti, 5 risultano a rischio elevato, 5 presentano un rischio lieve-medio e 2 presentano un rischio trascurabile. I sollevatori e la formazione dei lavoratori sono risultati gli interventi migliorativi che maggiormente riducono il rischio. Un altro dei fattori organizzativi che influenzano la comparsa del rischio è dato dal rapporto tra numero di pazienti non autosufficienti e operatori addetti alla loro assistenza. Infatti, in una situazione ideale in cui tutti gli altri fattori (attrezzature, formazione, ambiente) siano ottimali, il rischio (MAPO >1,5) compare quando NC/OP + PC/OP >7,16, cioè quando ogni operatore abbia in carico alla propria attività di movimentazione più di 7,16 pazienti non autosufficienti, calcolato come media giornaliera. Questo rapporto non è risultato mai sfavorevole in nessun reparto. I livelli di rischio riscontrati sono in accordo con quanto riportato dai dati di letteratura e derivano da carenze formative, organizzative e strutturali. La percezione soggettiva, valutata mediante scala di Borg, rappresenta un buon indicatore dell’entità del rischio, quando si consideri non la dotazione degli ausili nei reparti ma il loro effettivo utilizzo.
Manual lifting of patients in a hospital. Risk analysis for an improvement project
Background: A MMPz risk assessment was performed in a hospital in Florence, by calculating the MAPO index and the perceived effort through Borg’s CR10 scale. The assessments carried out in 12 departments revealed that 5 had an unacceptable risk level, 5 had a slight-to-medium risk level, and 2 had a slight risk level. Methods: To establish which factor, if eliminated, would most reduce the risk, a new MAPO index was calculated, considering each time a different factor to be eliminated. Results: Lifting devices and worker training are the factors that most reduce risk. Another factor influencing a situation of risk is the ratio between the number of non-self sufficient patients and the number of operators assigned to their care. In fact, in an ideal situation where all other factors are excellent, risk would arise when NC/OP+PC/OP >7.16, which is when more than 7.16 non-self sufficient patients are assigned to each operator every day. Such a ratio has never been observed in any of the departments. Discussion and conclusions: The risk levels found agree with those reported in the literature and are the result of a lack of training, organization and resources. Subjective perception via Borg’s scale is a good rating of risk level, when not the aids available are considered but their actual use.
Manual lifting of patients in a hospital. Risk analysis for an improvement project
Background: A MMPz risk assessment was performed in a hospital in Florence, by calculating the MAPO index and the perceived effort through Borg’s CR10 scale. The assessments carried out in 12 departments revealed that 5 had an unacceptable risk level, 5 had a slight-to-medium risk level, and 2 had a slight risk level. Methods: To establish which factor, if eliminated, would most reduce the risk, a new MAPO index was calculated, considering each time a different factor to be eliminated. Results: Lifting devices and worker training are the factors that most reduce risk. Another factor influencing a situation of risk is the ratio between the number of non-self sufficient patients and the number of operators assigned to their care. In fact, in an ideal situation where all other factors are excellent, risk would arise when NC/OP+PC/OP >7.16, which is when more than 7.16 non-self sufficient patients are assigned to each operator every day. Such a ratio has never been observed in any of the departments. Discussion and conclusions: The risk levels found agree with those reported in the literature and are the result of a lack of training, organization and resources. Subjective perception via Borg’s scale is a good rating of risk level, when not the aids available are considered but their actual use.