Original articles
Perceived work ability at return to work in women treated for breast cancer: a questionnaire-based study
Abstract 584 | PDF Downloads 341Page 407-419
Mortality for neurological diseases and pesticides: etiological hypotheses by a spatial analysis in the province of Pavia
Abstract 96 | PDF Downloads 30 Materiale suppl Downloads 23Page 420-434
Relatıonshıp between sıck buıldıng syndrome and ındoor aır qualıty among hospıtal staff
Abstract 1308 | PDF Downloads 258Page 435-443
Development and validation of Emotional Labour in Nursing Scale in Italy
Abstract 185 | PDF Downloads 39 Table suppl Downloads 20Page 444-458
The role of organizational trust and organizational support on employees’ well-being
Abstract 897 | PDF Downloads 215 Appendice suppl Downloads 31Page 459-470
Evaluation of the current status of the eye lens radiation exposure in an Interventional Radiology department
Abstract 406 | PDF Downloads 45Page 471-477
Silica, silicosis and lung cancer: what level of exposure is acceptable?
Abstract 383 | PDF Downloads 219Page 478-480
Early lung cancer diagnosis among workers exposed to carcinogens
Abstract 408 | PDF Downloads 136Page 481-483