Original articles
Asbestos at the time of the First World War
Abstract 145 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 31Page 424-430
Mesothelioma and acceleration
Abstract 215 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 39Page 431-446
Griffin and Neal’s safety model: Determinants and components of individual safety performance in the Italian context
Abstract 340 | PDF Downloads 62Page 447-459
Nurses and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: contribution to the Italian validation of the Podsakoff et al. scale
Abstract 116 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 39Page 460-471
Special articles
Violence and unsafety in a major Italian hospital: experience and perceptions of health care workers
Abstract 120 | PDF Downloads 111Page 403-411
Occupational health physicians and the impact of the Great Recession on the health of workers: a qualitative study
Abstract 358 | PDF Downloads 111Page 412-423
Letters to the Editors
What’s new about the thermal comfort in the Italian law? A comparison of the Dpr n.74/2013 and the technical standards Uni En Iso
Abstract 72 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 22Page 472-474