Esposizione ad amianto e incidenza di mesoteliomi maligni nel Lazio, anni 2001-2009: risultati delle attività del registro regionale / Occupational exposure to asbestos and incidence of malignant mesothelioma in the Lazio region, years 2001-2009...
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Introduzione: Il Registro Mesoteliomi del Lazio raccoglie i casi di mesotelioma maligno (MM) insorti, a partire dal 2001, nella popolazione residente nella regione. Obiettivo: Stimare l’incidenza di MM nella regione Lazio (2001-2009) e valutare la potenziale esposizione ad amianto. Metodi: I casi di MM segnalati da fonti ospedaliere, servizi di prevenzione sui luoghi di lavoro delle AUSL del Lazio, INAIL, centri operativi di altre regioni, ed estratti dal Sistema Informativo Ospedaliero (SIO) e dal Registro Nazionale delle Cause di Morte (RENCAM) vengono inclusi nel registro dopo un’analisi dei referti relativi ad esami diagnostici per immagini (TAC, Rx), esami istologici, citologici, immunoistochimici e della cartella clinica. La potenziale esposizione ad amianto viene indagata attraverso l’impiego di un questionario standardizzato e successivamente definita da personale esperto del Centro Regionale Amianto, applicando criteri concordati dal gruppo di lavoro del Registro Nazionale Mesoteliomi. Viene calcolata l’incidenza di MM (per 100,000 abitanti) della pleura e del peritoneo nella regione Lazio (2001-2009). Risultati: L’incidenza di MM (600 casi) è risultata pari a 1,8 tra gli uomini e 0,5 tra le donne (per 100,000 abitanti). Per il 54% dei casi è disponibile il questionario sull’esposizione ad amianto. Al 72% degli uomini (n. 179) e al 9% delle donne (n. 7) è stata attribuita un’esposizione professionale. Lo studio ha individuato il maggior numero di casi di MM con esposizione professionale nel settore delle costruzioni edili. È stata riscontrata un’alta incidenza di MM tra i lavoratori di Colleferro e Civitavecchia. È rilevante la quota di casi con esposizione ignota. Conclusioni: L’attività del registro ha messo in luce situazioni di esposizione ad amianto non sufficientemente caratterizzate, per le quali è suggeribile che vengano effettuati approfondimenti di igiene industriale e la misura di corpuscoli e/o fibre di asbesto nel tessuto polmonare.
Occupational exposure to asbestos and incidence of malignant mesothelioma in the Lazio region, years 2001-2009: results of the activities of the regional register
Background: The Lazio Regional Mesothelioma Registry records the incident cases of Malignant Mesothelioma (MM) in residents in the Region since 2001. Objectives: Estimate the incidence of MM in the Lazio Region (2001-2009) and assess possible asbestos exposures. Methods: The MM cases, notified by hospitals, regional protection and workplace safety units, Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority, other regions, or extracted from hospital information systems and the regional registry of causes of death, are included in the register after analysis of diagnostic procedures (CT scan, chest X-ray, pathology reports and patients’ records). Possible asbestos exposure is investigated by standardized interview and thereafter defined by a panel of experts, according to RENAM guidelines. The incidence of MM of the pleura and peritoneum (per 100,000 inhabitants) for the period 2001-2009 is calculated. Results: The incidence of MM among Lazio residents in the period 2001-2009 (600 cases) was estimated to be 1.8 among men and 0.5 among women per 100,000 inhabitants. Information on exposures was collected for 54% of the cases (251 men and 78 women); 72% of men (n. 179) and 9% of women (n. 7) had been occupationally exposed to asbestos. The study found that the largest number of cases with occupational exposure was among workers in the construction industry. The number of cases with unknown exposure was very high. Conclusions: The registry’s work revealed the existence of asbestos exposure circumstances that were not sufficiently characterized, for which it is suggested that more detailed industrial hygiene investigations be performed, as well as measurement of asbestos bodies and/or fibres in lung tissue.
Occupational exposure to asbestos and incidence of malignant mesothelioma in the Lazio region, years 2001-2009: results of the activities of the regional register
Background: The Lazio Regional Mesothelioma Registry records the incident cases of Malignant Mesothelioma (MM) in residents in the Region since 2001. Objectives: Estimate the incidence of MM in the Lazio Region (2001-2009) and assess possible asbestos exposures. Methods: The MM cases, notified by hospitals, regional protection and workplace safety units, Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority, other regions, or extracted from hospital information systems and the regional registry of causes of death, are included in the register after analysis of diagnostic procedures (CT scan, chest X-ray, pathology reports and patients’ records). Possible asbestos exposure is investigated by standardized interview and thereafter defined by a panel of experts, according to RENAM guidelines. The incidence of MM of the pleura and peritoneum (per 100,000 inhabitants) for the period 2001-2009 is calculated. Results: The incidence of MM among Lazio residents in the period 2001-2009 (600 cases) was estimated to be 1.8 among men and 0.5 among women per 100,000 inhabitants. Information on exposures was collected for 54% of the cases (251 men and 78 women); 72% of men (n. 179) and 9% of women (n. 7) had been occupationally exposed to asbestos. The study found that the largest number of cases with occupational exposure was among workers in the construction industry. The number of cases with unknown exposure was very high. Conclusions: The registry’s work revealed the existence of asbestos exposure circumstances that were not sufficiently characterized, for which it is suggested that more detailed industrial hygiene investigations be performed, as well as measurement of asbestos bodies and/or fibres in lung tissue.