Disturbi muscolo-scheletrici in studenti universitari che utilizzano il computer / Musculoskeletal disorders among university student computer users
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Abbiamo condotto un’indagine di tipo trasversale per (i) stimare la prevalenza di sintomi muscolo-scheletrici in una popolazione di studenti universitari che utilizza il computer quotidianamente (ii) indagare l’entità dell’esposizione a fattori ergonomici ed organizzativi correlati all’uso del PC in momenti differenti del percorso formativo universitario (iii) valutare negli studenti il livello di conoscenze ergonomiche relative all’utilizzo del videoterminale e la percezione dei rischi per la salute connessi a tale attività. A 183 studenti, che frequentavano le lezioni del secondo e del quarto anno della Facoltà di Architettura, è stato distribuito un questionario che raccoglieva informazioni su caratteristiche individuali, fattori correlati all’uso del computer e presenza di sintomi muscolo-scheletrici nel mese precedente. Sono state inoltre rilevate informazioni sugli aspetti ergonomici della postazione di lavoro utilizzata e sul livello di conoscenze circa l’ergonomia del videoterminale. Il tempo complessivo di utilizzo giornaliero del PC, la durata media di utilizzo continuativo e la proporzione di utilizzo del mouse sono risultati significativamente maggiori nel gruppo degli studenti del quarto anno. Il distretto maggiormente interessato dai sintomi muscolo-scheletrici è risultato essere il collo (69%), seguito dal segmento polso/mano (53%), spalla (49%) e braccio (8%). Gli studenti del quarto anno hanno riportato prevalenze maggiori per tutti i distretti, con differenze significative per i disturbi a carico di collo e polso/mano. Nella nostra indagine abbiamo riscontrato alte prevalenze di sintomi muscolo-scheletrici in studenti universitari che utilizzano il computer giornalmente per lunghi periodi. La prevalenza dei disturbi tende ad aumentare col progredire del corso di studi, di pari passo con l’intensificazione dell’utilizzo del computer. Inoltre, abbiamo riscontrato uno scarso livello di conoscenze riguardo l’ergonomia del videoterminale ed una scarsa percezione dei rischi per la salute connessi a tale attività. I dati da noi riscontrati suggeriscono la necessità di interventi formativi che contribuiscano a prevenire l’insorgenza di problemi di salute di natura occupazionale in un momento precoce, prima ancora che gli studenti, futuri professionisti, facciano il loro ingresso nel mondo del lavoro.
Musculoskeletal disorders among university student computer users
Background: Musculoskeletal disorders are a common problem among computer users. Many epidemiological studies have shown that ergonomic factors and aspects of work organization play an important role in the development of these disorders. Objectives: We carried out a cross-sectional survey to estimate the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among university students using personal computers and to investigate the features of occupational exposure and the prevalence of symptoms throughout the study course. Another objective was to assess the students’ level of knowledge of computer ergonomics and the relevant health risks. Methods: A questionnaire was distributed to 183 students attending the lectures for second and fourth year courses of the Faculty of Architecture. Data concerning personal characteristics, ergonomic and organizational aspects of computer use, and the presence of musculoskeletal symptoms in the neck and upper limbs were collected. Results: Exposure to risk factors such as daily duration of computer use, time spent at the computer without breaks, duration of mouse use and poor workstation ergonomics was significantly higher among students of the fourth year course. Neck pain was the most commonly reported symptom (69%), followed by hand/wrist (53%), shoulder (49%) and arm (8%) pain. The prevalence of symptoms in the neck and hand/wrist area was significantly higher in the students of the fourth year course. Discussion: In our survey we found high prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among university students using computers for long time periods on a daily basis. Exposure to computer-related ergonomic and organizational risk factors, and the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms both seem to increase significantly throughout the study course. Furthermore, we found that the level of perception of computer-related health risks among the students was low. Our findings suggest the need for preventive intervention consisting of education in computer ergonomics.
Musculoskeletal disorders among university student computer users
Background: Musculoskeletal disorders are a common problem among computer users. Many epidemiological studies have shown that ergonomic factors and aspects of work organization play an important role in the development of these disorders. Objectives: We carried out a cross-sectional survey to estimate the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among university students using personal computers and to investigate the features of occupational exposure and the prevalence of symptoms throughout the study course. Another objective was to assess the students’ level of knowledge of computer ergonomics and the relevant health risks. Methods: A questionnaire was distributed to 183 students attending the lectures for second and fourth year courses of the Faculty of Architecture. Data concerning personal characteristics, ergonomic and organizational aspects of computer use, and the presence of musculoskeletal symptoms in the neck and upper limbs were collected. Results: Exposure to risk factors such as daily duration of computer use, time spent at the computer without breaks, duration of mouse use and poor workstation ergonomics was significantly higher among students of the fourth year course. Neck pain was the most commonly reported symptom (69%), followed by hand/wrist (53%), shoulder (49%) and arm (8%) pain. The prevalence of symptoms in the neck and hand/wrist area was significantly higher in the students of the fourth year course. Discussion: In our survey we found high prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among university students using computers for long time periods on a daily basis. Exposure to computer-related ergonomic and organizational risk factors, and the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms both seem to increase significantly throughout the study course. Furthermore, we found that the level of perception of computer-related health risks among the students was low. Our findings suggest the need for preventive intervention consisting of education in computer ergonomics.