Analisi comparativa degli obblighi del medico competente alla luce dell’art. 25 del Decreto legislativo 81/2008 e del codice etico della Commissione Internazionale di Medicina del Lavoro (ICOH) / Comparative analysis of occupational health physician’s duties based upon legislative decree 81/2008 art. 25 and upon the Ethics Code of the International Commission on Occupational Health
Main Article Content
Il comportamento etico deriva da scelte di coscienza individuali ispirate da conoscenza ed esperienza professionali ispirate ai principi etici universalmente riconosciuti di beneficialità/non maleficialità, autonomia e giustizia. Tuttavia, nonostante l’unanime consenso circa la loro importanza universale, tali principi non hanno la forza di una norma di legge. Il legislatore italiano ha introdotto nel recente Decreto legislativo del 9 Aprile 2008 n. 81 l’obbligo per il medico competente di svolgere la propria attività secondo i principi del Codice Etico della Commissione internazionale di salute occupazionale. Questo contributo esamina, attraverso la loro analisi comparativa con il Codice Etico e il Codice di Deontologia Medica, quanto disposto dall’art. 25 del citato Decreto, che definisce i compiti del medico competente, riguardanti l’impegno a collaborare con tutti gli operatori della prevenzione, l’organizzazione e lo svolgimento della sorveglianza sanitaria, l’archiviazione, la conservazione e la trasmissione delle informazioni riguardanti la salute dei lavoratori e l’informazione di lavoratori e datori di lavoro sul significato della sorveglianza sanitaria e sulla sua importanza.
Comparative analysis of occupational health physician’s duties based upon legislative decree 81/2008 art. 25 and upon the Ethics Code of the International Commission on Occupational Health
Introduction: Ethical behaviour consists of individual choices inspired by knowledge and professional experience derived from the universally acknowledged ethical principles of beneficience/nonmaleficience, autonomy and justice. However, in spite of the unanimous consent on their universal importance, such principles do not usually have the strength of a law. Aim: The recently introduced Italian law on the protection of workers’ health represents a novelty because it gives the Ethics Code of the International Commission on Occupational Health legal strength. This paper aims at examining article 25 of legislative decree 81/2008 by comparing the points of the Ethics Code and the Deontology Code of the Italian medical profession. Results: The relationships between the 12 points of paragraph 1 of article 25, the 26 points of the Code of Ethics and the 75 articles of the Deontology Code are described with regard to the occupational health physician’s duties (i) of collaboration with other occupational health professionals, (ii) of organization and execution of health surveillance, (iii) of recording, securing, transmitting of medical files on workers’ health and (iv) of employee and employer information on the importance and meaning of health surveillance.
Comparative analysis of occupational health physician’s duties based upon legislative decree 81/2008 art. 25 and upon the Ethics Code of the International Commission on Occupational Health
Introduction: Ethical behaviour consists of individual choices inspired by knowledge and professional experience derived from the universally acknowledged ethical principles of beneficience/nonmaleficience, autonomy and justice. However, in spite of the unanimous consent on their universal importance, such principles do not usually have the strength of a law. Aim: The recently introduced Italian law on the protection of workers’ health represents a novelty because it gives the Ethics Code of the International Commission on Occupational Health legal strength. This paper aims at examining article 25 of legislative decree 81/2008 by comparing the points of the Ethics Code and the Deontology Code of the Italian medical profession. Results: The relationships between the 12 points of paragraph 1 of article 25, the 26 points of the Code of Ethics and the 75 articles of the Deontology Code are described with regard to the occupational health physician’s duties (i) of collaboration with other occupational health professionals, (ii) of organization and execution of health surveillance, (iii) of recording, securing, transmitting of medical files on workers’ health and (iv) of employee and employer information on the importance and meaning of health surveillance.