Scientists challenge bioelectromagnetics foundations

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Elizabeth Kelley



The International Commission for Electromagnetic
Safety (ICEMS) was founded in February,
2003 to promote “research to protect public health
from electromagnetic fields and to develop the
scientific basis and strategies for assessment,
prevention, management and communications of
risk, based on the precautionary principle”. The
ICEMS scientists share a common understanding,
based on their combined research experience
in bioelectromagnetics, that “biological
effects can occur from exposures to both
extremely low frequency fields (ELF EMF) and
radiofrequency fields (RF EMF)” and at low
intensity exposure levels. Several international
scientific meetings have been held from 2002 to
2008. ICEMS convened the programmes through
the sponsorship of the Cities of Venice and
Benevento, University Ca’ Foscari and the
Ukrainian Academy of Science. While recognizing
the significant contribution made by the
BioInitiative Report in August 2007, this report
does not include many important studies,
including the scientific developments reported by
Del Giudice and Fleishman, Talpo, De Ninno,
Mengoli, Pazur, Grimaldi, Zhadin and Giuliani
on the possibility of effects on cells by weak
magnetic fields, which have been debated since
1992, as well as studies on alteration in cell
differentiation induced by EMF, by Grimaldi,
Lisi and others, and, the scientific information on
the mechanisms concerning EMF biointeraction.
Therefore, ICEMS will be making these contributions
to the scientific debates, in support of
biologically based exposure standards for the
general public and workers.
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