Twelfth Collegium Ramazzini statement
Cancer prevention, screening and early diagnosis, the neglected side of cancer control: a call for action
Abstract 145 | PDF Downloads 44Page 141-145
Thirteenth Collegium Ramazzini statement
The control of pesticides in the European Union: a call for action to protect human health
Abstract 164 | PDF Downloads 42Page 147-148
Selikoff, asbestos and “la trahison des clercs”
Abstract 115 | PDF Downloads 97Page 149-160
Occupational cancer prevention in Scotland: a missing public health priority
Abstract 87 | PDF Downloads 45Page 161-170
Articles on original studies and research
Asbestos exposure in patients affected by bile duct tumours
Abstract 82 | PDF Downloads 66Page 171-180
Familial mesothelioma: a puzzling issue
Abstract 107 | PDF Downloads 48Page 181-186
Polymorphisms and haplotypes of XRCC1 and APE1 and risk of childhood leukaemia in China: a case-control analysis
Abstract 97 | PDF Downloads 46Page 187-192
Institutional news
Scientists challenge bioelectromagnetics foundations
Abstract 192 | PDF Downloads 43Page 193-195