Occupational cancer and reproductive outcomes in the semiconductor industry: the need for an international epidemiologic study
Abstract 233 | PDF Downloads 168Page 69-78
Critical Review
Regulation of carcinogenic food additives in the United States
Abstract 79 | PDF Downloads 77Page 79-92
Articles on original studies and research
Aloe arborescens preparation and liver health
Abstract 267 | PDF Downloads 129Page 93-102
The biopsy of the sentinel lymph node in multicentric breast carcinoma. Our experience
Abstract 219 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 932Page 103-108
Occult breast cancer presenting with axillary nodal metastasis: a case report
Abstract 98 | PDF Downloads 53Page 109-114
Kathryn R. Mahaffey
Abstract 198 | PDF Downloads 66Page 115-116