A case of primary malignant melanoma of the penis and urethra

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Ahmet Murat Bayraktar
Erkan Ölçücüoğlu
Sedat Taştemur
Mehmet Emin Şirin


malignant melanoma, penis, urethra


Malignant melanoma(MM) is a neoplasm which is derived from the melanocytes in the basal layer of the skin and confers high morbidity and mortality to the affected patients.We aimed in the present study to report a case with penile and urethral MM. The pivotal factor determining the survival from MM is the establishment of the definitive diagnosis in early stages of the disease. Penile-urethral surgery, along with inguinal lymph node biopsy or dissection comprises the most important step of the treatment. Current chemotherapy is single agent dacarbazine, temozolomide or cisplatin in advanced stages. Furthermore, administration of high dose interferon alpha-2b  may be considered in selected patients with good performance status.

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