La speranza nel cancro in fase avanzata non è un’illusione / Hope in advanced cancer is not an illusion
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Una problematica di grande rilevanza in oncologia è quella della comunicazione con i pazienti. Un atteggiamento comune è quello di stabilire regole comunicative per la rivelazione delle “cattive notizie” basate sull’approccio personale col paziente e sul tentativo di capire quanto effettivamente egli desideri sapere sulle reali aspettative prognostiche. Il momento in cui il paziente con neoplasia in fase avanzata percepisce il peggioramento della propria condizione a seguito dell’interruzione del trattamento “attivo”, generalmente viene vissuto da parte dei medici come un “abbandono della speranza”. Numerosi studi hanno dimostrato una correlazione positiva tra la speranza dei pazienti, intesa come benessere spirituale, e la loro qualità di vita. Va tenuto presente quindi che la speranza, intesa sia in senso concreto che in senso spirituale, appartiene ad ognuno di noi e mai il medico può appropriarsene o distruggerla con valutazioni “a priori” della prognosi negativa di una malattia.
Hope in advanced cancer is not an illusion
The problem of communication with patients is very relevant in oncology. A common attitude is to establish communication rules for “bad news” based on an individualized approach with patients, and on the attempt to understand how much they really wish to know about the true prognostic expectations. The time when a patient with advanced cancer perceives the worsening in his condition, as a consequence of the withdrawal of active treatment, is generally lived by the doctors as a “giving up” of hope. Many studies demonstrated a positive correlation between patients’ hope, explained as spiritual wellness, and their quality of life. Therefore, we must take into account that hope belongs to each of us and that in no context doctors are allowed to destroy it with “a priori” evaluation of the negative prognosis of a disease.
Hope in advanced cancer is not an illusion
The problem of communication with patients is very relevant in oncology. A common attitude is to establish communication rules for “bad news” based on an individualized approach with patients, and on the attempt to understand how much they really wish to know about the true prognostic expectations. The time when a patient with advanced cancer perceives the worsening in his condition, as a consequence of the withdrawal of active treatment, is generally lived by the doctors as a “giving up” of hope. Many studies demonstrated a positive correlation between patients’ hope, explained as spiritual wellness, and their quality of life. Therefore, we must take into account that hope belongs to each of us and that in no context doctors are allowed to destroy it with “a priori” evaluation of the negative prognosis of a disease.