Proceedings of the 2019 Ramazzini Days: Session IV - Work of the Fellows (Poster Session)
Main Article Content
1. Diagnostic challenges of mixed dust pneumoconiosis Xaver Baur, Germany
2. Assessing the feasibility of preventing injury risks and improving work safety amongst factory workers in an urban slum: a participatory before-and-after intervention study: preliminary results Grazia Caleo, UK
3. The discovery of PFOA pollution in the Veneto region Laura Facciolo, Italy
4. Effects of short and long-term alcohol-based fixation on Sprague-Dawley rat tissue morphology, protein and nucleic acid preservation Federica Gnudi, Italy
5. Protecting decommissioning workers at hazardous remediation sites Michael Gochfeld, USA
6. Asthmatic symptoms and airborne environmental pollution in the town of Terni, central Italy Nicola Murgia, Italy
7. Are sunscreens efficient to prevent the effect of UV radiation? Daniela Pelclova, Czech Republic
8. Ethical issues in cancer prevention: A different challenge for behavioral and environmental risk factors Annie Jeanne Sasco, France
9. The analysis of longitudinal data from life-span carcinogenicity bioassays on Sprague-Dawley rats Daria Sgargi, Italy
10. Dietary intake of acrylamide and risk of breast, endometrial and ovarian cancers: systematic review and doseresponse meta-analysis Tommaso Filippini, Italy
11. Exposure to inorganic selenium in drinking water and incidence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a long-term follow-up of a natural experiment Marco Vinceti, Italy