Sarcoidosis vasculitis and diffuse lung diseases
Published: 01-08-2013
Sarcoidosis on tattoos: a review of the literature from 1939 to 2011
Abstract 344 | PDF Downloads 650Page 86-102
Original Articles: Clinical Research
Clinical course and outcome of rheumatoid arthritis-related usual interstitial pneumonia
Abstract 190 | PDF Downloads 283Page 103-112
Calcium and vitamin D metabolism in sarcoidosis
Abstract 339 | PDF Downloads 299Page 113-120
The effect of anticoagulant therapy for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in real life practice
Abstract 135 | PDF Downloads 101Page 121-127
Mortality among African American women with sarcoidosis: data from the Black Women’s Health Study
Abstract 71 | PDF Downloads 70Page 128-133
Outcome of patients with interstitial lung disease admitted to the intensive care unit
Abstract 80 | PDF Downloads 105Page 134-142
Case Reports
Detection of sarcoidosis associated fasciitis by uptake on a FDG PET scan: a novel finding
Abstract 84 | PDF Downloads 81Page 143-145
First presentation of sarcoidosis with severe obstructive sleep apnoea and epiglottic invilvement
Abstract 105 | PDF Downloads 92Page 146-148
Massive splenomegaly and pancytopenia reuealing sarcoidosis in a child
Abstract 102 | PDF Downloads 80Page 149-152
Neurosarcoidosis presenting as trigeminal nevralgia: a case report and review of the literature
Abstract 71 | PDF Downloads 184Page 153-156
Brief Communication
TLR7 Gln11Leu single nucleotide polymorphism in patients with sarcoidosis
Abstract 63 | PDF Downloads 80Page 157-161
Book Review
Sharma O.P. Gerry James and the sarcoidosis movement. Biography of a Medical Luminary
Abstract 192 | PDF Downloads 90Page 162-163