Sarcoidosis vasculitis and diffuse lung diseases
A historical sketch; life and time of Jonathan Hutchinson (1828-1913), the first sarcoidologist
Abstract 80 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 358Page 71-75
Inhibitors of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in sarcoidosis:Who,What, and How to use them
Abstract 96 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 171Page 76-92
Original Articles: Basic Research
Differentiation of sarcoidosis from tuberculosis using real-time PCR assay for the detection and quantification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Abstract 70 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 176Page 93-99
M. avium binding to HLA-DR expressed alleles in silico: a model of phenotypic susceptibility to sarcoidosis
Abstract 72 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 64Page 100-116
Original Articles: Clinical Research
Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome and survival following lung transplantation for patients with sarcoidosis
Abstract 103 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 59Page 117-124
HLA and environmental interactions in sarcoidosis
Abstract 86 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 252Page 125-132
Effects of oxygen on exercise-induced increase of pulmonary arterial pressure in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Abstract 66 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 55Page 133-139
Case Series
Improvement of cardiac sympathetic nerve function in sarcoidosis
Abstract 106 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 57Page 140-142
18F-FDG PET in sarcoidosis: an observational study in 12 patients with infliximab
Abstract 89 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 77Page 1403-150