Sarcoidosis vasculitis and diffuse lung diseases
Published: 01-12-2010
David Geraint (Gerry) James,MD, FRCP (1922-2010): Founder president of WASOG and Founder Chief Editor of Sarcoidosis Vasculitis and Diffuse Lung Diseases
Abstract 64 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 48Page 83-84
Predicting prognosis in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Abstract 81 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 48Page 85-95
Original Articles: Clinical Research
How to build a biomarker: IL-7 and acute exacerbation of IPF
Abstract 63 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 45Page 96-102
Risk factors of acute exacerbation in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Abstract 89 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 96Page 103-110
Sarcoidosis in Ireland: Regional differences in prevalence and mortality from 1996-2005
Abstract 104 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 63Page 111-120
Original Articles: Laboratory Research
A haplotype of cyclooxygenase-2 gene is associated with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Abstract 60 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 46Page 121-130
TNF-alpha and TNF-beta genes polymorphism in Polish patients with sarcoidosis. Connection with the susceptibility and prognosis
Abstract 51 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 50Page 131-137
CA 15-3 as an alternative marker for KL-6 in fibrotic lung diseases
Abstract 89 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 71Page 138-146
Angiotensin II Receptor Type 1 1166 A/C and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme I/D gene polymorphisms in a Dutch sarcoidosis cohort
Abstract 73 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 56Page 147-152
Case Reports
Sarcoidal granulomas in the spleen associated with multiple carcinomas
Abstract 211 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 68Page 153-159
Atypical sarcoidosis masquerading as neutropenia
Abstract 87 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 131Page 160-163
A case of systemic polyarteritis nodosa involving bronchial artery
Abstract 101 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 66Page 164-168