Sarcoidosis vasculitis and diffuse lung diseases
Published: 01-12-2012
Original Articles: Laboratory Research
Feasibility of cytological diagnosis of sarcoidosis with endobronchial US-guided transbronchial aspiration
Abstract 78 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 66Page 82-89
Original Articles: Clinical Research
Endpoints for clinical trials of sarcoidosis
Abstract 132 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 112Page 90-98
Bronchial hyperreactivity in sarcoidosis patients: correlation with airflow limitation indices
Abstract 70 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 55Page 99-106
Six-minute stepper test to assess effort intolerance in interstitial lung diseases
Abstract 104 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 92Page 107-112
Health-related quality of life does not predict mortality in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Abstract 72 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 54Page 113-118
The clinical course of sarcoidosis: presentation, diagnosis, and treatment in a large white and black cohort in the United States
Abstract 226 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 240Page 119-127
Are clinical features in Löfgren’s syndrome-related erythema nodosum different from idiopathic erythema nodosum?
Abstract 87 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 50Page 128-131
A prospective clinical multicentre study on adult pulmonary Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis
Abstract 113 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 128Page 132-138
Anxiety and depression in sarcoidosis: the influence af age, gender, affected organs, concomitant diseases and dyspnea
Abstract 73 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 92Page 139-146
Case Reports
Chest wall shrapnel-induced beryllium-sensitization and associated pulmonary disease
Abstract 62 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 72Page 147-150
Sarcoidosis: vaginal wall and vulvar involvement
Abstract 321 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 318Page 151-154
Brief Communication
An analysis of seasonality of sarcoidosis in the United States veteran population: 2000-2007
Abstract 67 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 55Page 155-158
Letter to Editor
Stem cells, aging and pulmonary vascular remodelling
Abstract 75 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 45Page 159-160