Introduction to the management of intravascular filler injection, including support for Intra-Vascular Combination Management (IVCM)

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Reza Mia
Glyn Horton
Zandalee Venter


arterial occlusion, mechanical thrombolysis, blindness, embolism, reperfusion, dermal fillers adverse effects


Background: dermal filler popularity comes with an increased risk of adverse events including blindness and death, through inadvertent intravascular injections. Existing treatment modalities are not as reliable as we would like them to be. Aim: to explore existing preventative measures and treatments for intravascular obstruction and to define, support and propose a definitive treatment that injecting practitioners can rely on. Method: a review of the existing evidence was performed taking into consideration the authors’ experience to provide a summarised suggested protocol for the prevention and management of intravascular filler injections. Results: preventative steps, in room management and referral instructions are provided for practitioners along with a description of the supported neurovascular management. Conclusions: given the evidence of existing treatments for the management of strokes, arterial occlusion, combined filler dissolution and intravascular thrombolysis in animals, emboli and filler, there exists sufficient evidence to support the use of intravascular thrombolytics and hyaluronidase in combination with mechanical thrombectomy to treat intravascular fillers and their accompanying thrombi and emboli. 

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