Clinical-histological and immunohistochemical comparisons of vitiligo skin before and after a complex treatment using cell technologies
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vitiligo, melanocytes, keratinocytes, immunohistochemistry, phototherapy, epidermis
Background. Vitiligo is an idiopathic disease characterized by the presence of depigmented patches as a result of a progressive melanocyte loss. Vitiligo is a significant psychological and social problem that can lead to a serious impairment of the patient's quality of life. To develop a comprehensive treatment method, we conducted clinical, immunological, and biochemical studies. The developed treatment method involved traditional therapy and UVB phototherapy, as well as cell technology methods such as melanocyte-keratinocyte suspension (MKS) and automezoconcentrate (AMC).
The objective of the study was to analyze the histological and immune-histochemical changes in the affected skin of vitiligo patients before and after the treatment and identify any differences based on gender.
Methods. An open comparative randomized clinical trial included 107 patients with ages 19-65, consisting of 45 men and 62 women. Morphological, immunohistochemical, and morphometric studies were performed on the affected skin. The patients were divided into two groups: the main group (56 patients) received a treatment according to the developed method, and the comparison group (51 patients) received the traditional treatment.
Results. The use of MKS and AMC in the treatment of vitiligo resulted in a decrease in the severity of epidermal dystrophic changes, recovery of melanocytes, and the reduction of dermal inflammatory infiltrate, as well as positive clinical results.
Conclusions. The comparative analysis of histological changes before and after the treatment showed that the use of MKS and AMC significantly expanded the possibilities and increased the effectiveness of vitiligo treatment strategies.
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