Traces of goitre in some archaeological finds

Traces of goitre in some archaeological finds


  • Gaspare Baggieri Museo della Civiltà (Museo Alto Medioevo), Roma e Museo Nazionale di Storia dell’Arte Sanitaria, Roma
  • Luigi Galieti Museo Archeologico di Lanuvio (Roma)
  • Giorgio Di Matteo Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche Università Sapienza, Roma


Key words: archaeology, goitre, thyroid.


The authors provide an original interpretation regarding two finds from archaeological excavations in health-sanctuary areas of Lazio (Latium). They believe that the presence of goitre may be detected by reading two female terracotta ex voto suscepto sculptures dating back, respectively, to the fifth-third and second centuries BCE. The two sites are located in the Lazio region but they are distant from each other though historically known for the presence of endemic goitre.


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Letter to Editor: History of Medicine

How to Cite

Baggieri G, Galieti L, Di Matteo G. Traces of goitre in some archaeological finds. Med Histor [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];5(2):e2021022. Available from:

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