Karl Moriz Menzel: A Viennese ENT specialist and his escape from the Nazis
Karl Moritz Menzel, Markus Hajek, oto-rhino-laryngology, Vienna, Nazis, Anschluss, , Expulsion, College of Physicians in ViennaAbstract
This text covers the Austrian-born oto-rhino-laryngologist Karl Moriz Menzel (1837-1944) who, due to his Jewish descent, was forced to flee from his homeland in 1938. For this purpose, Menzel’s estate, which was found in the archives of the College of Physicians in Vienna, is used for the first time ever. The correspondence between Menzel and his teacher Markus Hajek stands out in particular. It provides insights into the fates of two Jewish doctors who were forced to plan their emigration after the ‘Anschluss’. It becomes clear that Hajek assisted Menzel in his escape to Brussels. Menzel is a prime example of the many doctors expelled by the Nazis for racist and political reasons. The authors systematically document for the first time the expulsion of members of the College of Physicians in Vienna.
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