Bioarchaeology in Senegal: state of the art and new perspectives in dental anthropology

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Ibrahima Oumar Sy
Tigran-Lucian Mandalian
Demba Kebe


Bioarchaeology, Dental anthropology, Perspectives


In this article, we focus on the evolution of bioarchaeology in Senegal and the relevance of the involvement of dental anthropology in this emerging sphere. In Senegal, bioarchaeology was first introduced as part of the doctoral program: reconstructing postcolonial anthropology in West Africa, conducted since 2017 by URICA. The investment towards this discipline was necessary because, in this country there is almost no bioarchaeologists and dental anthropologists. After the expedition of the physical anthropologist, Guy Thilmans, the human remains from Senegalese archaeological sites are sent abroad or kept at the Laboratoire Préhistoire et Protohistoire of IFAN Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar. The objective of this article is to review the achievements, shortcomings and possible new perspectives of Senegalese bioarchaeology. Thus, we will review funerary archaeology and diagnose the studies of human remains known to date in Senegal. In our analysis we will refer to the recognized funerary ensembles: megalithism, earth mounds, shell mounds, baobabs known as griots, and the funerary sites of Senegal River Valley.


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