Mesotelioma inatteso in donna centenaria: un riscontro autoptico

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Elisa Ober
Rossana Bussani
Furio Silvestri


pleural mesothelioma, centenarian, autoptic pathology


Malignant pleural mesothelioma, notoriously associated with asbestos exposure, mostly arises in male subjects, and generally shows an extremely long latency period (25-45 years). A centenarian woman was hospitalized with bronchopneumonia, chronic atrial fibrillation, dehydration, malnutrition and immobilization syndrome. X-ray examination showed a left pleural-pulmonary thickening. The autopsy revealed a diffuse, atypical pleural thickening in the left lung, multiple hyaline plaques in the bilateral parietal pleuras and diffuse adhesions between pleura and diaphragm; on the right side the pleura was discontinuously thickened with areas of fibromyxoid dystrophy. Histologically the pleura was extensively substituted by malignant cells of a biphasic malignant mesothelioma. The tumour was immunohistochemically positive for antibodies against cytokeratins, calretinin and vimentin. Accurate histological evaluation of lung specimens did not shown the presence of asbestos bodies.
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