Published: 29-06-2022


ABCA3 mutations in adults with interstitial lung disease: is there a link?

Ramcés Falfán-Valencia
Abstract 640 | PDF Downloads 359

Page e2022022


How we do it: whole lung lavage

Deepa Shreshta, Sahajal Dhooria, Ganesh Kumar Munirathinam, Inderpaul Singh Sehgal, Kuruswamy Thurai Prasad, Babu Ram, Harkant Singh, Ashutosh Nath Aggarwal, Goverdhan D Puri, Valliappan Muthu, Ritesh Agarwal
Abstract 857 | Video 1 Downloads 85 Video 2 Downloads 79 PDF Downloads 553

Page e2022017

Imaging findings of fibrosis in pulmonary sarcoidosis

Michiru Sawahata, Tetsuo Yamaguchi
Abstract 755 | PDF Downloads 596

Page e2022018

Controversies in the Treatment of Cardiac Sarcoidosis

Ogugua Ndili Obi, Elyse E. Lower, Robert P. Baughman
Abstract 1084 | PDF Downloads 672

Page e2022015

Original Articles: Clinical Research

The bronchoscopic probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy to diagnose diffuse parenchymal lung diseases

Frank Reichenberger, Edith Silbernagel, Michael Lindner, Elvira Stacher-Priehse, Julien Dinkel, Herbert Stepp, Wolfgang Gesierich, Juergen Behr
Abstract 620 | PDF Downloads 422

Page e2022016

The co-occurrence of anthracosis with interstitial lung disease

LiYing Zhai, WenCheng Yu
Abstract 587 | PDF Downloads 401

Page e2022012

The Relationship between Serum Uric Acid Levels and Early Mortality in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Cases during Exacerbation

Omer Yüceer, Gökhan Büyükbayram, Fatma Sema Oymak
Abstract 606 | PDF Downloads 430

Page e2022014

Radiographic progression and survival of the different HRCT patterns of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Marco Mura, Carlotta Rellini, Nada Taha, Francesco Paolo Sbordone, flavia rufi, francesca montesanto, Roberto Floris, Maurizio Zompatori, Gianluigi Sergiacomi
Abstract 684 | PDF Downloads 442

Page e2022021

Idiopathic Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia Evolving to Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Retrospective Analysis

Misbah Baqir, Tobias Peikert, Tucker Johnson, Yasmeen Tandon, Eunhee Yi, Darrell Schroeder, Jay Ryu
Abstract 649 | PDF Downloads 439

Page e2022020

Case Reports

The clinical course of interstitial lung disease in an adult patient with an ABCA3 homozygous complex allele under hydroxychloroquine and a review of the literature

Marie Legendre, Xavier Darde, Marion Ferreira, Sandra Chantot-Bastaraud, Marion Campana, Laurent Plantier, Nadia Nathan, Serge Amselem, Annick Toutain, Patrice Diot, Sylvain Marchand-Adam
Abstract 667 | PDF Downloads 379

Page e2022019

Letter to Editor

Value of pulmonary function testing identifying progressive pulmonary disease in fibrotic sarcoidosis: results of a prospective feasibility study

Robert P. Baughman, Rohit Gupta, Marc Judson, Elyse Lower, Surinder Birrinder, Jeffrey Stewart, Rebecca Reeves, Athol Wells
Abstract 697 | PDF Downloads 418

Page e2022011