Published: 18-10-2018

Original Articles: Clinical Research

Early prediction of sarcoidosis prognosis with HLA typing: A 5 year follow-up study

Ezgi Ozyilmaz, Ozlem Goruroglu Ozturk, Ali Durmaz, Orhan Othman Hasan, Bugra Guzelbaba, Gulsah Seydaoglu, Sedat Kuleci, Ismail Hanta, Eren Erken, Ali Kocabas
Abstract 376 | PDF Downloads 180

Page 184-191

Associations of lipoprotein subclasses and oxidative stress status in pulmonary and pulmonary plus extrapulmonary sarcoidosis

Jasmina Ivanisevic, Jelena Vekic, Aleksandra Zeljkovic, Aleksandra Stefanovic, Jelena Kotur-Stevuljevic, Vesna Spasojevic-Kalimanovska, Slavica Spasic, Violeta Vucinic-Mihailovic, Jelica Videnovic-Ivanov, Zorana Jelic-Ivanovic
Abstract 480 | PDF Downloads 193

Page 198-205

Characterization of lymphangioleiomyomatosis patients with discordance between spirometric and diffusion measurements of pulmonary function

Andrew Courtwright, Bruno G. Baldi3 G Baldi, Pranav Kidambi, Ye Cui, Anthony M Lamattina, Julian A Villalba, Shefali Bagwe, Hilary J Goldberg, Ivan O Rosas, Elizabeth Petri Henske, Carlos R. R. Carvalho, Souheil El-Chemaly
Abstract 407 | PDF Downloads 206

Page 206-212

Circulatory TGF- β1 is significantly higher in early stage of pulmonary sarcoidosis

Mehdi Mirsaeidi, Hesham R Omar, Andrew Calzadilla, Ahmad El khatib, Philip Whitney, Nadera Sweiss, Daniel Culver, Michael Campos, Robert Baughman, Roberto Machado
Abstract 357 | PDF Downloads 142

Page 213-217

Airway-centered interstitial fibrosis – an under-recognized subtype of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases

Edith Silbernagel, A Morresi-Hauf, S Reu, B King, W Gesierich, M Lindner, J Behr, F Reichenberger
Abstract 452 | PDF Downloads 491

Page 218-229

A 12-week combination of clarithromycin and prednisone compared to a 24-week prednisone alone treatment in cryptogenic and radiation-induced organizing pneumonia

Nicolas Petitpierre, Vincent Cottin, Sylvain Marchand-Adam, Sandrine Hirschi, Dominique Rigaud, Isabelle Court-Fortune, Stéphane Jouneau, Dominique Israël-Biet, Anita Molard, Jean-François Cordier, Romain Lazor
Abstract 435 | PDF Downloads 279

Page 230-238

Risk of gastrointestinal events among patients with sarcoidosis: a population-based study 1976-2013

Patompong Ungprasert, Cytnthia S Crowson, Eric L Matteson
Abstract 249 | PDF Downloads 236

Page 239-244

Effect of pulmonary rehabilitation on functional exercise capacity and hypoxemia in patients with interstitial lung diseases: a retrospective study

Salvatore Fuschillo, Alberto De Felice, Andrea Elia, Michele Martucci, Carlo Gaudiosi, Dino Vitale, Mauro Maniscalco
Abstract 319 | PDF Downloads 227

Page 245-251

Clinical characteristics of biopsy-proven renal sarcoidosis in Japan

Yoshinori Kamata, Hiroshi Sato, Kensuke Joh, Yoshinori Tsuchiya, Shinobu Kunugi, Akira Shimizu, Tsuneo Konta, Robert P Baughman, Arata Azuma
Abstract 405 | PDF Downloads 241

Page 252-260

Sarcoidosis in the United States Military Health System

Scott C Parrish, Thuy K Lin, Nicholas M Sicignano, Angeline A Lazarus
Abstract 333 | PDF Downloads 247

Page 261-267

High mobility group box 1 protein in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, correlations with other markers of inflammation and differences in lung diseases

Magda Suchankova, Vladimira Durmanova, Elena Tibenska, Eva Tedlova, Ivan Majer, Helena Novosadova, Juraj Demian, Miroslav Tedla, Maria Bucova
Abstract 364 | PDF Downloads 226

Page 268-275

HO-1 protects smokers exposed to artificial stone dust for pulmonary function tests deterioration

Noa Ophir, Amir Bar-Shai Bar-Shai, Mordechai R Kramer, Ahuva Grubstein, Lilach Israeli-Shani, Elizabeth Fireman
Abstract 227 | PDF Downloads 135

Page 276-284

Case Reports

Sarcoidosis with ankylosing spondylitis: changing therapeutic landscape

Chinnabhathini Deva Rahul, Rahul Kumar Sharma, Deepak Talwar
Abstract 380 | PDF Downloads 272

Page 285-288

Letter to the Editor

Recurrence of Löfgren’s syndrome 32 years later. A case report and review of the literature

Adriana Iriarte, Manuel Rubio-Rivas, Xavier Corbella, Juan Mañá
Abstract 302 | PDF Downloads 161

Page 289-291