Published: 18-04-2014


Scadding revisited: a proposed staging system for sardiac sarcoidosis

Jeffrey S Berman, Praven Govender, Frederick L. Ruberg, Michael Mazzini, Edward J. Miller
Abstract 165 | PDF Downloads 68

Page 2-5


Multi-dimensional indices to stage idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a systematic review

Camilla Rozanski, Marco Mura
Abstract 123 | PDF Downloads 109

Page 8-18

Original Articles: Clinical Research

The WASOG Sarcoidosis Organ Assessment Instrument: An update of a previous clinical tool

Marc A. Judson, Ulrich Costabel, Marjolein Drent, Athol Wells, Lisa Maier, Laura Koth, Hidenobu Shigemitsu, Dan A. Culver, Jeffrey Gelfand, Dominique Valeyre, Nadera Sweiss, Elliott Crouser, Adam S. Morgenthau, Elyse E. Lower, Arata Azuma, Mami Ishihara, Shin-ichiro Morimoto, Tetsuo Tetsuo Yamaguchi, Noriharu Shijubo, Jan C. Grutters, Misha Rosenbach, Hui-Ping Li, Paola Rottoli, Yoshikazu Inoue, Antje Prasse, Robert P. Baughman, The WASOG Sarcoidosis ORGAN ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT INVESTIGATORS
Abstract 2002 | PDF Downloads 1909

Page 19-27

Features and outcome of familial idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Claudia Ravaglia, Sara Tomassetti, Christian Gurioli, Sara Piciucchi, Alessandra Dubini, Carlo Gurioli, Gian Luca Casoni, Micaela Romagnoli, Angelo Carloni, Paola Tantalocco, Matteo Buccioli, Marco Chilosi, Venerino Poletti
Abstract 259 | PDF Downloads 141

Page 28-36

Extent of disease activity assessed by 18F-FDG PET/CT in a Dutch sarcoidosis population

Johanna P Cremers, Marinus J Van Kroonenburgh, Rémy L Mostard, Stefan A Vöö, Petal A Wijnen, Ger H Koek, Marjolein Drent
Abstract 192 | PDF Downloads 83

Page 37-45

Efficacy Results of a 52-week Trial of Adalimumab in the Treatment of Refractory Sarcoidosis

Nadera J. Sweiss, Imre Noth, Mehdi Mirsaeidi, Wei Zhang, Edward T. Naureckas, D. Kyle Hogarth, Mary Strek, Philip Caligiuri, Roberto F Machado, Timothy B Niewold, Joe G.N. Garcia, Aileen L Pangan, Robert P Baughman
Abstract 290 | PDF Downloads 97

Page 46-54

Decrased sputum caveolin-1 is associated with systemic sclerosis related lung disease

Neslihan Yilmaz, Sehnaz Olgun, Rengin Ahiskali, Sait Karakurt, Sule Yavuz
Abstract 155 | PDF Downloads 60

Page 55-61

Case Reports

New brain lesions in a patient with sarcoidosis: is it neurosarcoidosis?

Subodh Pandey, Sanjay Mukhopadhyay, Michael C. Iannuzzi, Birendra P Sah
Abstract 134 | PDF Downloads 106

Page 62-66

An unusual manifestation of Cardiac Sarcoidosis

K Ramanathan, D Platts, Yogesh V Apte, D Muthalidas
Abstract 164 | PDF Downloads 98

Page 71-75

Letter to Editor

Psychosis: a rare but serious psychiatric anomaly in patients with sarcoidosis

Shailendra Kapoor
Abstract 864 | PDF Downloads 200

Page 76-77