Published: 17-12-2013
Embryonic stem cells for lung fibrosis Is it the Prometheus myth or the Pandora’s Box?
Abstract 89 | PDF Downloads 71Page 246-248
Review of IPF diagnosis and management recommendations in Europe
Abstract 162 | PDF Downloads 108Page 249-261
Role of Propionibacterium Acnes in Sarcoidosis: A Meta-analysis
Abstract 99 | PDF Downloads 99Page 262-267
Granulomatous cutaneous sarcoidosis: diagnosis, relationship to systemic disease, prognosis and treatment
Abstract 144 | PDF Downloads 137Page 268-281
Original Articles: Clinical Research
Anxiety, its relation to symptoms severity and anxiety sensitivity in sarcoidosis
Abstract 179 | PDF Downloads 104Page 282-288
Body composition profiling in a Dutch sarcoidosis population
Abstract 211 | PDF Downloads 71Page 289-299
Clinical profiles of 12 Chinese patients with diffuse panbronchiolitis
Abstract 135 | PDF Downloads 74Page 300-307
Case Reports
Systemic glucocorticoid and anti-tuberculosis therapy in a patient with coexisting tuberculosis and anthracosis
Abstract 76 | PDF Downloads 75Page 308-311
A case of disseminated nontuberculous mycobacteriosis and cerebellar toxoplasmosis with autoantibody to interferon-γ
Abstract 124 | PDF Downloads 89Page 312-316
Transthoracic lung ultrasonography in pulmonary alveolar proteinosis – case report
Abstract 106 | PDF Downloads 75Page 317-320
Combined Pulmonary Involvement in Hereditary Lysozyme Amyloidosis with Associated Pulmonary Sarcoidosis: a Case Report.
Abstract 158 | PDF Downloads 85Page 321-324