Sarcoidosis vasculitis and diffuse lung diseases
Published: 01-04-2013
Surgical lung biopsy for the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease: a review of the literature and recommendations for optimizing safety and efficacy
Abstract 79 | PDF Downloads 110Page 3-16
Original Articles: Clinical Research
Whole-lung volume and density in spirometrically-gated inspiratory and expiratory CT in Systemic Sclerosis: correlation with static volumes at pulmonary function tests
Abstract 111 | PDF Downloads 66Page 17-27
YKL-40 and matrix metalloproteinases as potential biomarkers of inflammation and fibrosis in the development of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome
Abstract 90 | PDF Downloads 67Page 28-35
Relationship between cytokine single nucleotide polymorphisms and sarcoidosis among Japanese subjects
Abstract 154 | PDF Downloads 76Page 36-42
Clinical characteristics classified by the serum KL-6 level in patients with organizing pneumonia
Abstract 63 | PDF Downloads 91Page 43-51
Differentiation of Lymphoma versus Sarcoidosis in the Setting of Mediastinal - Hilar Lymphadenopathy: Assessment with Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging
Abstract 106 | PDF Downloads 98Page 52-59
The Internal Consistency of PRO Fatigue Instruments in Sarcoidosis: Superiority of the PFI over the FAS
Abstract 83 | PDF Downloads 93Page 60-64
Case Reports
Disseminated nocardiosis mimicking exacerbation of pulmonary sarcoidosis
Abstract 200 | PDF Downloads 73Page 65-69
Verrucous sarcoidosis of the skin simulating squamous cell carcinoma
Abstract 181 | PDF Downloads 79Page 70-72
Familial interstitial pneumonia in an adolescent boy with surfactant protein C gene (Y104H) mutation
Abstract 81 | PDF Downloads 63Page 73-77
23-year-old female with dyspnea, hematuria, and seizure progressing to respiratory failure
Abstract 77 | PDF Downloads 83Page 78-81