Sarcoidosis vasculitis and diffuse lung diseases
Published: 01-06-2008
9th WASOG Meeting and 11th BAL International Conference, June 19-22, 2008: Something old, something new
Abstract 71 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 72Page 3-4
Bronchoalveolar lavage – obtaining biological specimens from the respiratory tract surface
Abstract 157 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 50Page 5-9
When a commensal becomes a pathogen
Abstract 55 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 46Page 10-14
Original Articles: Basic Research
Quantitative analysis of propionibacterial DNA in bronchoalveolar lavage cells from patients with sarcoidosis
Abstract 57 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 108Page 15-20
A model of phenotypic susceptibility to Tuberculosis: Deficient in silico selection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis epitopes by HLA alleles
Abstract 134 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 55Page 21-28
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor g/Pro12Ala polymorphism and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor g coactivator-1 alpha/Gly482Ser polymorphism in patients with sarcoidosis
Abstract 70 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 58Page 29-35
Original Articles: Clinical Research
The role of transbronchial lung biopsy for the diagnosis of diffuse drug-induced lung disease: a case series of 44 patients
Abstract 66 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 54Page 36-45
Exhaled carbon monoxide in sarcoidosis
Abstract 82 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 53Page 46-50
Case Series
Cardiac sarcoidosis and heart transplantation: a report of four consecutive patients
Abstract 80 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 150Page 51-59
Sarcoidosis: a rare cause of Kleine-Levine-Critchley Syndrome
Abstract 162 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 58Page 60-63
Esophageal sarcoidosis presenting as pseudodiverticulum
Abstract 59 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 131Page 64-67