Sertraline-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease: A case series and Literature Review

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Shimon Izhakian
Dror Rozengarten
Barak Pertzov
Ahuva Grubstein
Moshe Heching
Ludmila Fridel
Mordechai Reuven Kramer


Interstitial lung disease, Pulmonary fibrosis, sertraline


 Sertraline-associated interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a rare entity. A search of the English medical literature retrieved only 9 such cases. We report herein on an additional 12 patients who developed ILD during treatment with sertraline. The patients met the criteria for drug‐induced pulmonary toxicity such as exposure to drug, correlation of the drug with clinical symptoms, lung imaging, lung biopsy findings, exclusion of other potential causes and improvement after drug removal. We review the available data and discuss various aspects of this entity. The possibility of drug-induced ILD should be considered in an individual who during treatment with sertraline develops dyspnea, cough, and radiographic findings compatible with ILD. Further epidemiological studies should be conducted to explore the association of sertraline treatment with ILD, and to delineate, substantiate, and broaden our knowledge of this rare entity.


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