Health research in vegan women
Vegan diet, Woman health, VegetarianAbstract
Study Objectives: This planned research aimed to identify the conditions for women's health in women who prefer vegan diets. Method: The study consists of vegan women and the sample consists of a total of 150 women who agreed to participate in the study. The data was collected through a questionnaire consisting of 34 questions. Associations and vegan women were reached out via social media. Results: The average age of the participants was 28.96±8.50 and 33.3% were married. The average year in which women continue to eat vegan is 3.29±5.25. 62% of vegan women stated that their menstrual periods were painless, 87.3% stated that their menstrual periods were regular, and 75.3% stated that they did not have any gynecological diseases. The most common complaints in vegan women are stress and anxiety (27.1%), continuous discharge (27.1), depression (25), polycystic ovary syndrome (20.8), urinary tract infection (20.8), and fibroids (12.5). 18% of vegan women had been diagnosed with anemia, of which 18.8% used anemia treatment. Conclusion: It was found that vegan women did not have many complaints in terms of gynecology while existing complaints were similar or even lower in terms of disease rates seen in the total population. The study group's high level of education and awareness and regular health checkups are among the factors affecting the results. The low vegan diet averages of the women covered in the study and the fact that a greater number of women were out of reach show the limitations of the study.
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