Relationship Between Rem Sleep Behavior Disorder and Depression and Anxiety and Night Eating Syndrome: Rem Sleep, Depression, Anxiety, Night Eating Syndrome

Relationship Between Rem Sleep Behavior Disorder and Depression and Anxiety and Night Eating Syndrome

Rem Sleep, Depression, Anxiety, Night Eating Syndrome


  • Rabia Gamze Yürük Cantürk İstanbul Arel University, Institute of Social Sciences, Clinical Psychology, İstanbul, Turkey
  • Itır Tarı Cömert Fatih Sultan Mehmet University, Psychology Department, İstanbul, Turkey
  • Seda Uğraş İstanbul University- Cerrahpaşa Institute of Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey
  • Gizem Akcan Bartın University, Faculty of Literature, Appliied Psychology Department, Bartın, Turkey
  • Dilek İşlek Salkım İstanbul University- Cerrahpaşa Institute of Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey
  • Erkut Tutkun Bursa Uludağ University, Faculty of Sport Science, Bursa, Turkey
  • E.Hülya Yükseloğlu İstanbul University- Cerrahpaşa Institute of Forensic Sciences and Legal Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey


REM sleep behaviour disorder, anxiety, depression, sleep, night eating syndrome


The purpose of this study is to reveal the risk of depression and anxiety disorders and night eating syndrome in individuals with REM sleep behavior disorder and to determine the relationship between them. Intermittent awakening from sleep to sleep or accompanied by physical movements that could injure itself is defined as REM sleep behavior disorder. Ethical committee approval of the study taken from T.R. Istanbul Arel University. The sample of the study was analyzed by 47 people from T.R. Ministry of Health Süreyyapaşa Chest Diseases and Chest Surgery Training and Research Hospital, 39 people from T.R. Ministry of Health Sultan Abdul Hamid Khan Training and Research Hospital, 28 people from the T.R. Ministry of Health, Okmeydanı Training and Research Hospital were included in the study. Total of 108 data randomly selected were included in the study as control group. It can be said that the REM sleep behavior disorder was low (13-0=13/3=4,33; 0-4,33: low; 4,34-8,66: intermediate; 8,67-13,00: high). There was a positive and significant relationship between REM sleep behavior disorder scores and anxiety (r = .43; p <.05) and depression (r = .56; p <.05) scores. The participants with high REM sleep behavior disorders have high anxiety and depression symptoms.


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How to Cite

Cantürk RGY, Cömert IT, Uğraş S, Akcan G, Salkım D İşlek, Tutkun E, et al. Relationship Between Rem Sleep Behavior Disorder and Depression and Anxiety and Night Eating Syndrome: Rem Sleep, Depression, Anxiety, Night Eating Syndrome. Progr Nutr [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];23(2):e2021047. Available from:

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