Published: 19-06-2020


Cholesterol and Linoleic Acid: a forgotten cooperation?

Massimo Cocchi, Chiara Minuto
Abstract 400 | PDF Downloads 169

Page 357-360

Metabolic syndrome criteria and its association with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases

Dhananjay Yadav, Nidhi Puranik, Amit Sen, Meerambika Mishra, Minseok Kwak, Jun-O Jin
Abstract 1457 | PDF Downloads 499

Page 361-369

Nutriology, pharmacology and cardiovascular effects of Xanthium sibiricum

Shi-Min Yuan
Abstract 3281 | PDF Downloads 447

Page 370-377

Progress in Nutrition in Cerebral Palsy Children – A Literature Review

Ali Madi Almajwal, Iftikhar Alam
Abstract 1078 | PDF Downloads 552

Page 378-387

Mediterranean Diet as a model of sustainable, resilient and healthy diet

Maria Letizia Truzzi, Matteo Ballerini Puviani, Alberto Tripodi, Silvia Toni, Alberto Farinetti, Milena Nasi, Anna Vittoria Mattioli
Abstract 1275 | PDF Downloads 426

Page 388-394

Original articles

University students' meal experience at the dining hall

Nurhan Unusan
Abstract 895 | PDF Downloads 497

Page 395-401

Nutritional knowledge among coaches and personal trainers in Kuwait: a cross sectional study

Fawaz D Almansour, Ahmad R Allafi, Ahmed Aldughpassi, Ahmad R Al-Haifi
Abstract 454 | PDF Downloads 307

Page 402-410

The effect of Hijamah on different health parameters

Ahmad R Allafi, Ahmad R Al-Haifi
Abstract 419 | PDF Downloads 854

Page 411-414

Sleep efficiency and duration assessed with metabolic holter: associate with body composition and dietary components

Nilüfer Acar Tek, Semra Navruz Varlı, Merve Şeyda Karaçil Ermumcu, Yasemin Ertaş Öztürk
Abstract 507 | PDF Downloads 210

Page 420-429

The evaluation of the nutritional habits of 14-25 years old people with skin problems

Pınar Sökülmez Kaya, Canan Asal Ulus, Bahtinur Taşcı
Abstract 364 | PDF Downloads 197

Page 430-439

Investigation of relation between Clostridium colonization and nutrient consumption in intestinal flora in athletes and sedentary men

Ayça Genç, Erkut Tutkun, Hakan Acar, Erdal Zorba
Abstract 580 | PDF Downloads 196

Page 440-448

Comparative Phytochemical Profile of Some Medicinal Plants from Gilgit-Baltistan

Muhammad Ismail, Shams Jamal, Noor Ul Haq, Shabbir Hussain, Shafqat Hussain
Abstract 582 | PDF Downloads 529

Page 449-455

The Relationship Between Disease Severity and Hematologic Parameters in Geriatric Patients with Acute Pancreatitis

Erhan Onalan, Yusuf Gökalp, Burkay Yakar
Abstract 297 | PDF Downloads 205

Page 456-461

Effect of skipping breakfast on cerebral blood flow and cardiovascular function under a mental load in healthy female students

Asuka Sawai, Naoyo Nie, Shinya Sawai, Kayoko Tsuzuki, Osamu Tochikubo
Abstract 640 | PDF Downloads 238

Page 462-470

Body mass index and insulin resistance in healthy adults: Associations with plasma osteocalcin, phylloquinone levels, and dietary vitamin K intake

Yasemin Ertaş Öztürk, Makbule Gezmen Karadağ, Müjde Aktürk, Nevin Şanlıer
Abstract 613 | PDF Downloads 226

Page 471-478

Culture, gender and coffee drinking in Kuwait

Ahmad R Allafi, Asma Saleh, Ahmed Aldughpassi, Ahmad R Al-Haifi, Abir Hersi, Farhia Ahmad, Sara Aljluwi
Abstract 1276 | PDF Downloads 2367

Page 479-484

CYP1A2 polymorphism and caffeine ingestion in relation to apoptosis markers after a resistance exercise in trained men: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study

Mohammad Rahman Rahimi, Hassan Faraji, Tahseen Abdulkarim Amin AL-Zangana, Maryam Khodamoradi
Abstract 474 | PDF Downloads 293

Page 493-500

Investigation of food consumption frequency in sports faculty students

Mehmet Çebi, Murat Eliöz, Bade Yamak, Osman İmamoğlu, Yener Aksoy
Abstract 710 | PDF Downloads 235

Page 507-514

Roseburia species in intestinal flora in amateur and professional male football players

Mustafa Ertuğrul Çıplak, Ayça Genç, Muhammet Fatih Bilici, Ferhat Güder, Hakan Acar, Erkut Tutkun
Abstract 510 | PDF Downloads 207

Page 515-520

Dietary habits of type 2 Diabetes patients: frequency and diversity of nutrition intake – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Waqas Sami, Khalid M Alabdulwahhab , Mohd Rashid Ab Hamid, Tariq A Alasbali, Fahd Al Alwadani , Mohammad Shakil Ahmad
Abstract 1481 | PDF Downloads 550

Page 521-527

Does mindful eating have a relationship with gender, body mass index and health promoting lifestyle?

Gizem Köse, Mustafa Ertuğrul Çıplak
Abstract 959 | PDF Downloads 438

Page 528-535

The Relationship Between Anthropometry and Jumping Performance in Handball

Mustafa Ertuğrul Çıplak, Nebahat Eler, Serdar Eler, Hakan Acar
Abstract 445 | PDF Downloads 690

Page 536-540

Factors influencing quality of life in cancer patients receiving haemodialysis

Kadir Gokhan Atilgan, Mehmet Deniz Ayli, Tulay Eren, Cengiz Karacin, Hatice Sahin, Tamer Selen, Ebru Gok Oguz, Fatma Ayerden Ebinc, Gulay Ulusal Okyay
Abstract 398 | PDF Downloads 164

Page 541-546

Mindful eating questionnaired: eating control, emotional eating and conscious nutrition trio

Gizem Köse, Mustafa Ertuğrul Çıplak
Abstract 1189 | PDF Downloads 541

Page 555-561

The correlation between the media usage, physical activities and nutritional approach for Romanian students

Marius Trandafir, Catalin Vasile Savu, Aurelian Gheorghiu, Cristian Serea, Octavian Barna
Abstract 336 | PDF Downloads 175

Page 577-587

The Effect of Cardio Tennis Exercises on Lipid Metabolism of Sedentary Women

Şeniz Karagöz, Alparslan Ünveren , Tülay Köken
Abstract 672 | PDF Downloads 241

Page 588-595

Investigation of Cronobacter sakazakii (Enterobacter sakazakii) Presence in Cereal Infant Foods

Tevhide Ziver, Gözde Okburan, Özer Akgül, Suat Saribas, Bekir Kocazeybek, Bekir Kocazeybek
Abstract 850 | PDF Downloads 468

Page 596-602

Association between polymorphism in TaqI, BsmI, Apa1, DHCR7, GC, CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 genes and vitamin D deficiency in Saudi obese females

Manal Bin obead, Sahar Abdulaziz AlSedairy, Naveed Ahmed Syed, Periasamy Vaiyapuri Subbarayan, Tahani Aljurbua, Maha Abdulaziz Aljuwayd, Shaista Arzoo, Ali Abdullah Alshatwi
Abstract 641 | PDF Downloads 359

Page 603-616

The opinions of physical education teachers about the prevalence of obesity and nutrition problem in schools

Sinan Uğraş, Ahmet Enes Sağın, Mehmet Güllü
Abstract 709 | PDF Downloads 215

Page 632-639

Relationship Between Life Satisfaction and Nutrition of Students at the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences at University

Taner Yılmaz, İbrahim Dalbudak, Şıhmehmet Yiğit
Abstract 465 | PDF Downloads 225

Page 645-659

Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the selfperceived food literacy scale

Kevser Tarı Selçuk, Celalettin Çevik, Hakan Baydur, Reci Meseri
Abstract 1080 | PDF Downloads 699

Page 671-677

Food insecurity is associated with food diversity, depression and blood pressure among rural and urban high school students in Kurdish population

Pishva Arzhang, Bahram Pourghassem Gargari, Amir Bagheri, Elyas Nattagh Eshtivani, Abed Ghavami, Farzad Mohammadi, Alireza Rahmanabadi
Abstract 512 | PDF Downloads 218

Page 684-691
