Investigation of food consumption frequency in sports faculty students
Food Consumption of Faculty Students
Nutrition, Student, Food consumptionAbstract
Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of food consumption among the students
of the Faculty of Sport and to determine whether it changes according to gender. Material and Methods: The
results of the food consumption frequency scale of 297 students from sports faculty students were evaluated. Ttest and chi-square methods were used in statistical procedures. Results: Body mass index values of the students were found to be 23.52 kg / m2 in men and 22.20 kg /m2 in women. In this study, 56.6% of the students stated that they always have breakfast while 37.4% stated that they sometimes have breakfast and 6.1% stated that they do not have breakfast. While 15.2% of the students stated that they always had mid-morning meals, 32.3% said that they sometimes do and 52.5% said they never do. A significant difference was found in the habit of making breakfast by gender (p <0.05). While 15.2% of the students stated that they always have mid-morning meals, 32.3% said that they sometimes do and 52.5% said they never do. According to gender (p <0.05). While 52.5% of the students stated that they always have lunch, 36.4% said that they sometimes have lunch and 11.1% stated that they never eat at noon. There was no significant difference in the dinner habits by gender (p> 0.05). While 27.3% of the students stated that they always eat late dinner, 58.6% stated that they sometimes eat late dinner and 14.5% stated that they do not eat late dinner at all. There was no significant difference in late dinner habits according to gender (p> 0.05) . While 81.8% of the students stated that they always eat dinner, 13.5% stated that they sometimes eat dinner and 5.1% stated that they never eat dinner. There was no significant difference in the dinner habits by gender (p> 0.05). While 27.3% of the students stated that they always have late dinner, 58.6% stated that they sometimes have late dinner and 14.5% stated that they do not eat at all. There was no significant difference in late dinner habits according to gender (p> 0.05). Conclusion: It is determined that sports educated students food consumption habits are not suitable for healty nutrition and sports nutrition. It is recommended that this study be conducted on the basis of non-consuming nutrients. It is recommended to conduct this study on higher number of students and performance athletes by asking them their daily energy needs and the reasons why they do not consume some foods.
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