Investigation of the effects of sodium bicarbonate intake on the lactic acid, heart rates and aerobic performance in elit mountain cyclists

Investigation of the effects of sodium bicarbonate intake on the lactic acid, heart rates and aerobic performance in elit mountain cyclists



Cycling, Lactic Acid, Heart Rate


The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of sodium bicarbonate intake on the lactic acid,
heart rate and aerobic performance in elite mountain cyclists. Ten cyclists, who were licensed, participated
in the study between 20 and 23 years of age. In the study, 0,3 g/kg body weight dosage NaHCO3 substance
was given orally by mixing 500 ml fruit juice 2 hours before the test. In order to see the Lactate Acid (LA)
levels of the athletes, the ergonomics bicycle ergometer test was applied with the Monark brand 839E model
ergometer. According to NaHCO3 intake status, Lactate Measurements, HR, Burnout Time and Distance
traveled were recorded. The data obtained from the lactic acid studied in the study were analyzed by repeated
measures ANOVA analysis technique in factorial order. In the determination of the difference between the
athletes before and after the test, “in-group Paired t test” was applied. The significance level was evaluated
according to “0,05” significance level. There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups
of LA values before and after receiving NaHCO3 (p < 0,05). However, there was a more significant decrease in
LA values after NaHCO3 + administration. Comparing the NaHCO3 uptake status of the LA values before and
after taking NaHCO3, no significant difference was found (p > 0,05), immediately after the end of the test and
5 minutes after the end of the test (p < 0,05). In the present study, the comparison of HR, Burnout duration
and distance data in NaHCO3 intake status showed that the performance after NaHCO3 was more significant
and there was a statistically significant difference between the intake (p < 0,05). In conclusion, in our study, it
was tested that lactic acid values of NaHCO3 group in lactic acid values were lower. From this point of view,
we can say that the athletes taking NaHCO3 can tolerate lactic acid and perform their performances more.


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How to Cite

Suna G, Işıldak K, Boyraz Ömer C. Investigation of the effects of sodium bicarbonate intake on the lactic acid, heart rates and aerobic performance in elit mountain cyclists. Progr Nutr [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];22(2):626-31. Available from: