Regular physical activity among obese children: how to prevent the Metabolic Syndrome

Regular physical activity among obese children: how to prevent the Metabolic Syndrome


  • Antonella Mosca "Sapienza" Università di Roma
  • Maurizio Mennini "Sapienza" Università di Roma
  • Loretta Antonetti "Sapienza" Università di Roma
  • Alessandra Piedimonte "Sapienza" Università di Roma
  • Raffaele Edo Papa Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù
  • Andrea Vania "Sapienza" Università di Roma


Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, HOMA-IR, Body Mass Index


Background: A low level of physical activity (PA) is associated with a regular increase in the risk of Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome (MS). The aim of our study is to investigate the incidence of MS and alteration of: blood chemistry indices (glucose-lipid parameters, HOMA-IR), blood pressure (BP), Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference/height ratio (W/h), in obese children in relation to the hours of weekly PA. Methods: 915 children (438 M, mean age 10.61 ± 2.79) were divided, into classes according to the number of hours of weekly PA: I (h = 0, 29.40%), II (h = 1-2, 34.10%), III (h = 2-3, 17.15%), IV (h = 3-4, 8.09%), V (h = 4-5, 4.60%), VI (h = 5-6, 3.06%), VII (h>6, 3.60%). Results: The incidence of MS within the classes was: I 6.70 (= 1.97% of the total); II 6.40 (= 2.19%); III 5.70 (= 0.98%); IV 4.00 (= 0.33%); V 7.15 (= 0.33%); VI 17.85 (= 0.55%); VII 3.03 (= 0.11%). Comparing with each class for the contiguous blood indices, PA, BMI Z-and W/h emerges: I Vs. II: W/h, p = 0.0001; PAD p = 0.0001, p = 0.009 PAS; HOMA-IR, p = 0.05; II Vs. III: PAD p = 0.003. Comparing (Student’s t-test) classes I (0 hours AF) and VI (highest incidence of MS) and the other for the indexes is: I: Vs. II W/h, p = 0.0001; III W/h, p = 0.002; The Vs. IV W/h, p = 0.05; The Vs. V W/h, p = 0.02, Z-BMI p = 0.05; The Vs. VI W/h, p = 0.02; The Vs. VII W/h, p = 0.01, p = 0.07 Z-BMI. The vs.VI: Z-BMI p = 0.05; III vs. VI Z-BMI p = 0.03; IV Vs. BMI Z-VI, p = 0.05. The risk of MS in Class I Children is of OR = 5.14, p = 0.02 compared to Class VI and equal to OR=7.17, p=0.04 compared to Class VII. Conclusion: In our population inactive children have a higher risk of MS, altered blood chemistry indices, elevated BP. Also have a worse ratio W/h, even when compared to patients who carry only 1-2 h / week of AF. The reduced abundance of classes V-VII explains the apparent high incidence of MS in class VI.






Original articles

How to Cite

Mosca A, Mennini M, Antonetti L, Piedimonte A, Papa RE, Vania A. Regular physical activity among obese children: how to prevent the Metabolic Syndrome. Progr Nutr [Internet]. 2015 Jul. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];17(2):146-50. Available from:

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