The relationship between emotional eating and general health among professional basketball players

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Emin Süel


Basketball, Emotional Eating, General Health


Study Objectives: This study aimed to examine the relationship between professional basketball players’ general health and emotional eating. Methods: 154 (59 female and 95 male) basketball players who played in different categories in the Turkish Basketball League participated in the study voluntarily. Personal information form, general health scale (GH) and emotional eating scale (EEQ) were used as data collection tools in the study. Independent samples t-test and pearson correlation analysis test were used in data analysis. Results: According to the results of the study, a significant difference was found between the groups in terms of gender variable and nationality status. It was determined that female athletes had more emotional eating levels than male athletes and national athletes than non-national athletes. According to the scores obtained from the general health scale, there was no significant difference in terms of gender and nationality status variables. When the relationship between emotional eating, its sub-dimensions and general health was examined, it was determined that there was a weak positive relationship between Disinhibition (r=.159; p=<0.05), the type of food (r=.170; p=<0.05), and general health. Moreover, there was a weak positive correlation between Guilt (r=.205; p <0.05) and emotional eating (r=.198; p=<0.05) and general health. Conclusion: It can be thought that emotional eating negatively affects the physical, psychological and mental health of the general health and this situation will create a negative situation in terms of gaming performance for the elite basketball players.

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