La percezione del problema alcol fra i lavoratori in aziende dei settori trasporti, sanità ed edilizia nella regione Lazio: risultati di uno studio osservazionale

Contenuto principale dell'articolo

Pasquale Valente
Daniele Mipatrini
Alice Mannocci
Luca Enrico Ruscitti
Sabina Sernia
Mauro Ceccanti
Giuseppe La Torre


Alcol, lavoro, piano di prevenzione, bevitori ad alto rischio, bevitori binge


Aim: To perform an analysis of the perception of alcohol use among workers of the transportation, healthcare and building sectors. Methods: A survey was carried out on alcohol consumption and knowledge of deriving health effects. Socio-demographic characteristics of the workers were collected. Risk indexes for habitual alcohol and binge consumption were calculated. Results: The number of workers entering the survey is 3,914 (57% males; 58% married). Two-thirds of the sample reported good knowledge of alcohol-related risks that could occur at the workplace, and 55% of alcohol-related health risks. Binge drinking is inversely associated with female gender, good perceived health and good knowledge of alcohol-related risks at the workplace and of alcohol-related health risks. People who are single, young and working in the building sector show higher odds for binge drinking. The habitual use is positively associated with marital status (OR=1.51 for single) and working sector (in the building sector OR=3.28; in the healthcare OR=1.90); and inversely associated with good health (OR=0.70), good knowledge of alcohol-related risks at the workplace (OR=0.54) and of alcohol-related health risks (OR=0.41). Conclusions: Socio-demographic factors, such as age, gender and marital status are associated with different patterns of alcohol consumption, that in turn are inversely associated with good knowledge of alcohol-related risks at the workplace and of alcohol-related health risks. These results suggest the need to increase knowledge of alcohol-related issues among the workers, both at the workplace and in everyday life.

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