Valutazione del rischio da movimenti e sforzi ripetuti degli arti superiori in trenta aziende del comparto del mobile imbottito / Risk assessment of work-related upper limb musculoskeletal disorders in thirty factories in the upholstered furniture industry
Contenuto principale dell'articolo
Risk assessment, musculoskeletal disorders, upper limb, sofa industry
Una delle procedure per analisi dettagliate del rischio di patologie muscoloscheletriche degli arti superiori (UL WMSDs) più diffuse nel nostro Paese è l’indice sintetico OCRA, indicato come metodo preferenziale nello standard ISO 11228-3. L’obiettivo della presente indagine è consistito nell’effettuare la valutazione del rischio, utilizzando il metodo OCRA, nei lavoratori del comparto del mobile imbottito in trenta aziende ubicate in un’area geografica compresa fra le Regioni Puglia e Basilicata nelle province di Bari,Taranto e Matera. Sono state studiate le mansioni più caratteristiche del processo produttivo: 1) addetto al taglio manuale della pelle con l’ausilio di apposita taglierina manuale 2) addetto alla cucitura del rivestimento in pelle o tessuto 3) addetto alla preparazione del fusto imbottito 4) tappezziere-assemblatore che provvede alla fase terminale di rivestimento del fusto imbottito. I relativi singoli compiti vengono svolti in modalità quasi esclusivamente manuale, con caratteristiche di tipo artigianale. Il valore medio dell’indice OCRA di ciascun raggruppamento di aziende è stato calcolato ponderando i valori dell’indice dei singoli gruppi di rischio aziendali in base al numero degli addetti. I valori riscontrati per i vari gruppi di rischio delle diverse aziende variano fra 4 e 15. Ad un gruppo interno a bassa esposizione è stato attribuito un valore dell’indice OCRA pari a 2,9. Il tipo di attività lavorativa analizzata è caratterizzata da tempi di ciclo molto lunghi (fra 5 e 60 min). La particolare, ma rigorosa applicazione del metodo OCRA ha consentito di ottenere, per ciascun gruppo di esposti, una circostanziata stima sintetica del rischio.
Risk assessment of work-related upper limb musculoskeletal disorders in thirty factories in the upholstered furniture industry
Background: One of the most common procedures for risk assessment of upper limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders (UL-WMSDs) in Italy is the OCRA synthetic index, which is recommended as the preferred method in the ISO standard 11228-3. Objective: The aim of the survey was to assess the risk of ULWMSDs due to repetitive strain and movements in thirty factories of the sofa industry located in a large geographic area of southern Italy. Methods: The most characteristic working tasks of the manufacturing process were studied: filling preparation workers, leather-cutting operators, sewing and upholstery-assembly workers. The single tasks were carried out almost exclusively manually, with features of a handicraft approach. Data were collected through questionnaires and video tape recordings in each factory. The mean value of the OCRA index of every group of factories was calculated by weighting the values of the index of each single task group with the number of the workers. Results: Figures obtained in the different factories showed values of the OCRA index ranging between 4 and 15. A 2,9 OCRA value was attributed to a low exposure group. Conclusions: Even though the work tasks analyzed were characterized by long duration of the manufacturing cycle (between 5 and 60 min), a particular but rigorous application of the OCRA procedures made it possible for a detailed risk assessment to be made for each of the working groups analysed.
Risk assessment of work-related upper limb musculoskeletal disorders in thirty factories in the upholstered furniture industry
Background: One of the most common procedures for risk assessment of upper limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders (UL-WMSDs) in Italy is the OCRA synthetic index, which is recommended as the preferred method in the ISO standard 11228-3. Objective: The aim of the survey was to assess the risk of ULWMSDs due to repetitive strain and movements in thirty factories of the sofa industry located in a large geographic area of southern Italy. Methods: The most characteristic working tasks of the manufacturing process were studied: filling preparation workers, leather-cutting operators, sewing and upholstery-assembly workers. The single tasks were carried out almost exclusively manually, with features of a handicraft approach. Data were collected through questionnaires and video tape recordings in each factory. The mean value of the OCRA index of every group of factories was calculated by weighting the values of the index of each single task group with the number of the workers. Results: Figures obtained in the different factories showed values of the OCRA index ranging between 4 and 15. A 2,9 OCRA value was attributed to a low exposure group. Conclusions: Even though the work tasks analyzed were characterized by long duration of the manufacturing cycle (between 5 and 60 min), a particular but rigorous application of the OCRA procedures made it possible for a detailed risk assessment to be made for each of the working groups analysed.