Il metodo deposimetrico per la misura della dispersione di fibre di asbesto dalle coperture in cemento amianto: revisione e perfezionamento / Improvement of a sedimentation method for measuring dispersion of fibres from asbestos cement roofs
Contenuto principale dell'articolo
Asbestos-cement, asbestos bundles, dispersion staining
Allo stato attuale, la dispersione di fibre dai materiali contenenti amianto, tuttora in opera nelle strutture di edilizia industriale ed abitativa, costituisce un importante problema di salute pubblica. Sono state pertanto compiute indagini mirate al perfezionamento di una precedente ricerca già pubblicata nella quale era stato messo a punto un metodo deposimetrico atto a misurare l’inquinamento primario da amianto, costituito dalla dispersione in atmosfera di fasci grossolani di fibre da materiali amiantiferi. A livello metodologico è stata migliorata l’efficienza di campionamento dello strumento (deposimetro) grazie all’utilizzo di una nuova sostanza di captazione (octylododecanolo 15% + alcool stearilico 85%). È stato inoltre implementato il metodo di analisi della quantità di amianto campionata dallo strumento (deposimetro), modificando l’originale conteggio dei fasci in microscopia ottica con l’introduzione della tecnica della dispersione cromatica, abbinata ad un taglio dimensionale che limiti i conteggi ai fasci di diametro superiore a 2 μm ed al calcolo ponderale delle concentrazioni di asbesto per unità di superficie nell’unità di tempo. Il posizionamento dei deposimetri è stato standardizzato valutando come ottimale una collocazione a filo rispetto al bordo della sorgente, in posizione riparata dalle piogge battenti, ad una distanza di 50 cm dalla copertura sulla verticale. La durata ottimale del prelievo è stata definita in 25-30 giorni senza precipitazioni, prolungando il tempo che era stato stabilito nelle indagini precedenti, poiché è stato possibile confermare che le dispersioni sono fenomeno discontinuo nel tempo. È stata anche esaminata l’influenza della direzione ed intensità del vento sul rilascio di fibre di amianto in atmosfera, evidenziando l’importanza delle raffiche a velocità maggiore (10 m/s o più). Sulla base della sperimentazione sul campo è stato infine sviluppato un algoritmo per la definizione di 5 classi di pericolo utili alla definizione delle priorità di bonifica.
Improvement of a sedimentation method for measuring dispersion of fibres from asbestos cement roofs
Background: The present article is a follow-up of previous research, in which a sedimentation method was proposed to measure the dispersion of fibre bundles (primary pollution) from asbestos-cement roofs. Objectives: The aim of this study was to improve and standardize a screening method to evaluate asbestos bundle release from asbestos-containing materials. Methods: An appropriate instrument (deposimetro) was used to passively sample asbestos on microscope slides by direct sedimentation. The microscopic analysis of samples was improved by the dispersion staining method, combined with the calculation of weight concentrations of asbestos per surface and time unit. The sampling efficiency was improved by introducing a new adhesive treatment of the microscope slides (85% stearyl alcohol, 15% octyldodecan) and a size cut-off restricting the counting method only to fibre bundles with diameters larger than 2 μm. Results: The optimal sampling time was defined as 25-30 days without rain, extending the sampling time established in the previous investigation, and the optimal instrument position was defined at distances of 50 cm (vertical) and 0 cm (horizontal) from the roof edge. The effect of wind direction and velocity on asbestos release was also assessed, showing that wind gusts with a velocity of more than 10 m/s are mostly associated with dispersion peaks. Conclusions: A simple algorithm was proposed on the basis of field data (n=32) and 5 hazard classes were defined as a function of weight concentrations and asbestos type. The passive sampler is low in cost and is intended for use in large-scale surveys to identify removal priorities.
Improvement of a sedimentation method for measuring dispersion of fibres from asbestos cement roofs
Background: The present article is a follow-up of previous research, in which a sedimentation method was proposed to measure the dispersion of fibre bundles (primary pollution) from asbestos-cement roofs. Objectives: The aim of this study was to improve and standardize a screening method to evaluate asbestos bundle release from asbestos-containing materials. Methods: An appropriate instrument (deposimetro) was used to passively sample asbestos on microscope slides by direct sedimentation. The microscopic analysis of samples was improved by the dispersion staining method, combined with the calculation of weight concentrations of asbestos per surface and time unit. The sampling efficiency was improved by introducing a new adhesive treatment of the microscope slides (85% stearyl alcohol, 15% octyldodecan) and a size cut-off restricting the counting method only to fibre bundles with diameters larger than 2 μm. Results: The optimal sampling time was defined as 25-30 days without rain, extending the sampling time established in the previous investigation, and the optimal instrument position was defined at distances of 50 cm (vertical) and 0 cm (horizontal) from the roof edge. The effect of wind direction and velocity on asbestos release was also assessed, showing that wind gusts with a velocity of more than 10 m/s are mostly associated with dispersion peaks. Conclusions: A simple algorithm was proposed on the basis of field data (n=32) and 5 hazard classes were defined as a function of weight concentrations and asbestos type. The passive sampler is low in cost and is intended for use in large-scale surveys to identify removal priorities.