La costruzione di un sistema informativo nazionale per la prevenzione / Setting up a national information system for prevention
Contenuto principale dell'articolo
Prevention, information system
Il recente riassetto normativo in materia di tutela della salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro è rappresentato dal D.lgs. n. 81 del 9 aprile 2008, che ha ridisegnato regole fino ad oggi contenute in disposizioni succedutesi nell’arco di quasi sessanta anni, riviste e collocate in un’ottica integrata. Nel D.lgs., l’articolo 8 è dedicato specificamente al Sistema informativo nazionale per la prevenzione nei luoghi di lavoro (SINP), istituito “al fine di fornire dati utili per orientare, programmare, pianificare, valutare l’efficacia dell’attività di prevenzione degli infortuni e delle malattie professionali … e per indirizzare le attività di vigilanza”. È importante sottolineare come il percorso che ha portato a definire il SINP tragga riferimento dal lavoro congiunto che INAIL, ISPESL, Regioni e Province autonome hanno avviato nel 2002, attraverso la sottoscrizione di un protocollo d’intesa, condividendo l’esigenza di disporre di un sistema informativo integrato per la prevenzione nei luoghi di lavoro. Allo stato attuale, dunque, sono disponibili su scala nazionale dati utili per approfondire le conoscenze del proprio territorio (aziende, infortuni, patologie da lavoro) e per definire priorità d’intervento, pianificare e programmare attività, oltre a verificarne i risultati ottenuti.
Setting up a national information system for prevention
Background: The recent law (D.lgs n. 81/2008) redesigned all the Italian regulations regarding safety and health at work. It redesigned rules that up to now were contained in laws that were introduce over a period of over nearly sixty years, with due review and extension. Methods and Results: Article 8 of the law is dedicated specifically to a national information system for the prevention at the workplace (called SINP), created “with the aim of supplying useful data in order to guide, programme, to plan, and assess the effectiveness of actions taken for the prevention of injuries and occupational diseases… and to provide guidance in matters of inspection”. It is important to emphasize that the course followed to define the SINP is due to the joint efforts that INAIL, ISPESL, the Regions and the independent Provinces started in 2002, by agreeing to a protocol, with the common aim of creating an integrated information system for prevention in the workplace. Conclusions: At present data are available on a national scale and they are useful in order to acquire more detailed knowledge of the area in question (on enterprises, accidents, occupational diseases) and in order to define intervention priorities, to plan and program activities and verify the results.
Setting up a national information system for prevention
Background: The recent law (D.lgs n. 81/2008) redesigned all the Italian regulations regarding safety and health at work. It redesigned rules that up to now were contained in laws that were introduce over a period of over nearly sixty years, with due review and extension. Methods and Results: Article 8 of the law is dedicated specifically to a national information system for the prevention at the workplace (called SINP), created “with the aim of supplying useful data in order to guide, programme, to plan, and assess the effectiveness of actions taken for the prevention of injuries and occupational diseases… and to provide guidance in matters of inspection”. It is important to emphasize that the course followed to define the SINP is due to the joint efforts that INAIL, ISPESL, the Regions and the independent Provinces started in 2002, by agreeing to a protocol, with the common aim of creating an integrated information system for prevention in the workplace. Conclusions: At present data are available on a national scale and they are useful in order to acquire more detailed knowledge of the area in question (on enterprises, accidents, occupational diseases) and in order to define intervention priorities, to plan and program activities and verify the results.