A proposito della III Conferenza di Consenso Italiana sul Mesotelioma della Pleura
Abstract 122 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 63Page 323-324
Special articles
III Italian Consensus Conference on Malignant Mesothelioma of the Pleura. Epidemiology, Public Health and Occupational Medicine related issues
Abstract 445 | PDF Downloads 205Page 325-332
Employee Safety Motivation: perspectives and measures on the basis of the Self-Determination theory
Abstract 128 | PDF Downloads 109Page 333-341
Original articles
Artificial lighting and blue light in the operating room: what risks for the surgeon?
Abstract 194 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 42Page 342-350
«Muskuloskeletal pain and perceived stress in civil servants
Abstract 102 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 27Page 351-360
Health expenditures for cases of pleural mesothelioma
Abstract 140 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 28Page 361-373
Workplace drug testing on urine samples: evidence for improving efficacy of a first-level screening programme
Abstract 120 | PDF Downloads 29Page 374-385
Occupational factors for mood and anxiety disorders among junior medical doctors
Abstract 115 | PDF Downloads 29Page 386-393
Book reviews
La sicurezza in costruzione. Etnografia di un cantiere: uno sguardo pratico sulla sicurezza sul lavoro di Silvia Doria, Carocci Editore, Roma 2014
Abstract 152 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 44Page 394
Malati di lavoro. Artigiani e lavoratori, medicina e medici da Bernardino Ramazzini a Luigi Devoto (1700-1900) di A. Baldasseroni, F. Carnevale, Edizioni Polistampa, Firenze 2015
Abstract 119 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 25Page 395-396
Ricordo del Prof. Bruno Onofrio Saia
Abstract 126 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 169Page 397-398