Criteri per l’acquisto e la scelta dei guanti: qualità o economicita? Il ruolo del medico competente / Criteria for choice and purchase of gloves: quality or cheapness? The role of the Occupational Health Physician
Main Article Content
In campo sanitario, per la presenza di un consistente rischio biologico e chimico, la scelta dei guanti (dispositivi di protezione individuale, ma anche dispositivi medico-chirurgici) è un processo di grande rilevanza. Per razionalizzare la spesa occorre ricercare, nell’ambito delle gare per l’acquisto, un giusto equilibrio tra costo, qualità, sicurezza e “portabilità” da parte degli operatori. Nelle gare d’appalto il giudizio sulla qualità viene formulato valutando le referenze e l’organizzazione aziendale, le schede tecniche e la qualità dei campioni. La documentazione tecnica è il criterio maggiormente oggettivabile, a condizione che sia redatta accuratamente e riporti in modo dettagliato i risultati dei test riguardanti caratteristiche fisiche, residui chimici, impermeabilità ad agenti patogeni, biocompatibilità, impermeabilità verso sostanze chimiche, agenti lubrificanti. Nell’ambito della prevenzione primaria, il medico competente, sulla base delle caratteristiche dei vari manufatti, può suggerire l’acquisto di guanti con requisiti di qualità superiori e di appropriatezza rispetto ai rischi connessi con le singole mansioni, ai tempi e alle modalità di utilizzo, alle specifiche esigenze di manualità fine, destrezza, sensibilità. In alcuni casi (lavoratori portatori di patologie da guanti o di condizioni di ipersuscettibilità), il parere del medico competente sarà vincolante per la scelta del presidio più adatto.
Criteria for choice and purchase of gloves: quality or cheapness? The role of the Occupational Health Physician
Background: The choice of gloves in the healthcare settings is very important because of the high biological and chemical risks present in these workplaces. In order to rationalize and optimize this choice we must balance cost, quality, security and comfort.Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyse the rules in force and to point out the relevant role of the Occupational Health Physician in the right choice and purchase of sanitary gloves. Methods: We reviewed the rules in force and the most relevant studies on these topics. Results and Conclusions: The regulations in force provide that the manufacturers must perform tests to supply evidence for the quality of the products but they do not indicate which analytical method should be used and they do not require that the results are reported in the technical sheets. Thus the manufacturers have only to declare to be “in accordance with the rules”. Therefore purchasers should require the manufacturing companies to give detailed information and verify their reliability. Moreover rules could be adapted to higher quality standards. The Occupational Health Physician should suggest the purchase of gloves with high biocompatibility, assuring the protection from the risks of specific tasks and suitable for preventing the onset of new glove-related diseases and the relapses in workers with already diagnosed occupational diseases.
Criteria for choice and purchase of gloves: quality or cheapness? The role of the Occupational Health Physician
Background: The choice of gloves in the healthcare settings is very important because of the high biological and chemical risks present in these workplaces. In order to rationalize and optimize this choice we must balance cost, quality, security and comfort.Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyse the rules in force and to point out the relevant role of the Occupational Health Physician in the right choice and purchase of sanitary gloves. Methods: We reviewed the rules in force and the most relevant studies on these topics. Results and Conclusions: The regulations in force provide that the manufacturers must perform tests to supply evidence for the quality of the products but they do not indicate which analytical method should be used and they do not require that the results are reported in the technical sheets. Thus the manufacturers have only to declare to be “in accordance with the rules”. Therefore purchasers should require the manufacturing companies to give detailed information and verify their reliability. Moreover rules could be adapted to higher quality standards. The Occupational Health Physician should suggest the purchase of gloves with high biocompatibility, assuring the protection from the risks of specific tasks and suitable for preventing the onset of new glove-related diseases and the relapses in workers with already diagnosed occupational diseases.