Strumenti di aggiornamento ed orientamento delle attività del Medico del Lavoro, efficacia ed appropriatezza / Efficacy and appropriateness in updating and validating the activities of the occupational health physician
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Vengono trattati dal punto di vista del loro collegamento alle prove di evidenza, efficacia ed appropriatezza gli strumenti di aggiornamento ed orientamento tecnico scientifico come linee guida, consensus document, protocolli, norme di buona tecnica e buone prassi in Medicina del Lavoro. I riferimenti sono il primo ciclo di produzione delle Linee Guida (LG) in Medicina del Lavoro che SIMLII ha avviato nel 2003 (e che ha visto pubblicate al 2008 più di 20 LG, 3 loro aggiornamenti e 3 consensus document), il Sistema Nazionale LG in Medicina dell’ISS, il D.lgs 81/2008, testo unico sulla sicurezza e salute del lavoro, che per la prima volta nella nostra legislazione ha definito concetti quali come LG, norme di buona tecnica e buona prassi prevedendone entità di produzione, approvazione, validazione, diffusione ed alcuni ambiti applicativi.
Efficacy and appropriateness in updating and validating the activities of the occupational health physician
Background: We reviewed the Italian tools for updating and validating the activities of occupational health physicians (guidelines, consensus documents, technology assessment, good practices, etc.) from the point of view of efficacy and appropriateness. Results and conclusions: We examined more than 20 guidelines produced since 2003 by the Italian Society of Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene (SIMLII), the procedures issued by the National System of Guidelines in Medicine/SNLG) by the Italian National Health Institute (ISS) and the new law on occupational safety and health “Decreto Legislativo 81/08”, which for the first time includes and defines in specific legislation the different possible instruments for guiding the activities of the occupational health physician, not only to improve the effectiveness of interventions but also aimed at constantly adopting rigorous methodologies based on evidence.
Efficacy and appropriateness in updating and validating the activities of the occupational health physician
Background: We reviewed the Italian tools for updating and validating the activities of occupational health physicians (guidelines, consensus documents, technology assessment, good practices, etc.) from the point of view of efficacy and appropriateness. Results and conclusions: We examined more than 20 guidelines produced since 2003 by the Italian Society of Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene (SIMLII), the procedures issued by the National System of Guidelines in Medicine/SNLG) by the Italian National Health Institute (ISS) and the new law on occupational safety and health “Decreto Legislativo 81/08”, which for the first time includes and defines in specific legislation the different possible instruments for guiding the activities of the occupational health physician, not only to improve the effectiveness of interventions but also aimed at constantly adopting rigorous methodologies based on evidence.