An overview of low back pain and occupational exposures to whole-body vibration and mechanical shocks
Abstract 1110 | PDF Downloads 617Page 419-433
Original articles
Effects of the work limitations on the career path of a cohort of health workers
Abstract 322 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 82Page 434-445
Reduction of excavation face collapse risk in tunnelling
Abstract 259 | PDF Downloads 47Page 446-454
Range of motion limitations of the upper body in obese female workers
Abstract 369 | PDF Downloads 71Page 455-465
Nurses Work Functioning Questionnaire (NWFQ): refinement and validation of the Italian version
Abstract 650 | PDF Downloads 112Page 466-476
Case report
Sinonasal cancer in a worker exposed to chromium in an unusual industrial sector
Abstract 538 | PDF Downloads 58Page 477-481
Pier Diego Siccardi (1880-1917) and the “Clinica del Lavoro” in the trench warfare
Abstract 268 | PDF Downloads 47Page 482-486
What is the origin of the Italian term “medico competente”?
Abstract 345 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 139Letters to the Editors
CO2 in Operating Theatre / Authors’ answer
Abstract 138 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 29Page 491
Violence against health workers. A serious problem also in Spain
Abstract 117 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 45Page 492
ILO Diagnostic and exposure criteria for occupational diseases. Final Meeting of the Working Group and Public Conference, University of Milan, It, 26th - 30th June, 2017
Abstract 148 | PDF Downloads 35Page 493-494
Esposizione occupazionale ad amianto e rischio di colangiocarcinoma: una nuova ipotesi dalla ricerca epidemiologica
Abstract 162 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 28Page 495