Published: 11-09-2015


A proposito della III Conferenza di Consenso Italiana sul Mesotelioma della Pleura

Carlo Zocchetti
Abstract 122 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 62

Page 323-324

Special articles

III Italian Consensus Conference on Malignant Mesothelioma of the Pleura. Epidemiology, Public Health and Occupational Medicine related issues

Corrado Magnani, Claudio Bianchi, Elisabetta Chellini, Dario Consonni, Bice Fubini, Valerio Gennaro, Alessandro Marinaccio, Massimo Menegozzo, Dario Mirabelli, Enzo Merler, Franco Merletti, Marina Musti, Enrico Oddone, Antonio Romanelli, Benedetto Terracini, Amerigo Zona, Carlo Zocchetti, Mariano Alessi, Antonio Baldassarre, Irma Dianzani, Milena Maule, Carolina Mensi, Stefano Silvestri
Abstract 442 | PDF Downloads 204

Page 325-332

Employee Safety Motivation: perspectives and measures on the basis of the Self-Determination theory

Marco Giovanni Mariani, Bianca Lara Soldà, Matteo Curcuruto
Abstract 126 | PDF Downloads 101

Page 333-341

Original articles

Artificial lighting and blue light in the operating room: what risks for the surgeon?

Marco Lembo, Vittorio Cannatà, Andrea Militello, Matteo Ritrovato, Salvatore Zaffina, Pietro Derrico, Massimo Borra
Abstract 193 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 42

Page 342-350

«Muskuloskeletal pain and perceived stress in civil servants

Alessandra Marinelli, C. Negro, A. Prodi, G. Pesel, Francesca Larese Filon
Abstract 101 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 27

Page 351-360

Health expenditures for cases of pleural mesothelioma

Carlo Zocchetti
Abstract 139 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 28

Page 361-373

Workplace drug testing on urine samples: evidence for improving efficacy of a first-level screening programme

Valeria Crespi, Ramòna Consuèlo Maio, Giovanni Veronesi, Francesco Gianfagna, Stefano Taborelli, Marco Mario Ferrario
Abstract 118 | PDF Downloads 28

Page 374-385

Occupational factors for mood and anxiety disorders among junior medical doctors

Richard Pougnet, Laurence Pougnet, Margaux Kerrien, David Jousset, Brice Loddé, Jean-Dominique Dewitte, Ronan Garlantézec
Abstract 113 | PDF Downloads 28

Page 386-393

Book reviews


Ricordo del Prof. Bruno Onofrio Saia

G.B. Bartolucci
Abstract 123 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 165

Page 397-398

Supplement materials