Original articles
Reconstruction of past asbestos exposure of dockers in the Port of Livorno
Abstract 123 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 34Page 187-196
Interpretative strategies of lung function tests: obstructive pattern
Abstract 106 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 39Page 197-213
Burnout in nurses working in Portuguese central prisons and type of employment contract
Abstract 118 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 27Page 214-222
Accidents among postmen using motorbikes for mail deliveries in Tuscany in the period 2007-2009
Abstract 204 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 28Page 223-230
Special articles
PTSD prevalence and associated risk factors after a fire disaster that broke out in a paediatric hospital: a cross-sectional study
Abstract 146 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 74Page 163-173
Health surveillance of workers in indoor environments. Application of the Italian version of the MM040/IAQ questionnaire
Abstract 256 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 30Page 174-186
Forthcoming events
77° Congresso Nazionale SIMLII - Bologna, 15-17 Ottobre 2014
Abstract 166 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 48Page 238
Letters to the Editors
Andamento nel corso degli anni 2000-2011 delle segnalazioni multiple di malattia professionale per gli stessi individui al sistema di registrazione MALPROF
Abstract 92 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 28Page 231-233
Allevatori avicoli ed esposizione professionale a formaldeide
Abstract 152 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 32Page 234
L’abilitazione scientifica nazionale nel settore scientificodisciplinare MED/44 (Medicina del lavoro). Un commento in una prospettiva docimologica ed ermeneutica
Abstract 115 | PDF (Italian) Downloads 22Page 235-237