Le patologie asbesto–correlate degli ex addetti alla produzione di manufatti in cemento amianto a Senigallia / Asbestos-related diseases in former asbestos-cement workers in Senigallia
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Introduzione: In Senigallia ha operato dal 1948 al 1984 una azienda che produceva manufatti in cementoamianto,utilizzando crisotilo, amosite e crocidolite in percentuali minori, cemento e acqua. I lavoratori ancora invita e residenti a Senigallia sono 238. Obiettivi: La necessità di dare una risposta organica alla richiesta da partedegli ex-lavoratori di tutela di salute e riconoscimento di patologie professionali, ha indotto il Servizio di Prevenzionee Sicurezza negli Ambienti di Lavoro (SPSAL) di Senigallia Area Vasta 2 a intraprendere un programmadi sorveglianza sanitaria. Metodi: Nel 2010 è stato avviato un programma di sorveglianza sanitaria che ha interessato158 soggetti, 58 donne e 100 uomini. L’età media degli uomini era di 75 aa e delle donne 70 aa. Il tempotrascorso tra la prima esposizione e il momento della visita era in media di anni 50 (DS 7,49). Gli anni di esposizionemedia a fibre di amianto erano 17 (DS 10,36). Il programma prevedeva attività di counseling soprattuttoin rapporto all’abolizione dell’abitudine tabagica ed accertamenti sanitari di primo e secondo livello. Risultati: Idati ottenuti dalla sorveglianza sanitaria hanno evidenziato la presenza di placche pleuriche ed ispessimenti pleuricinel 81% dei casi ed interstiziopatia di vario grado nel 49,4%. L’alta percentuale di patologie asbesto-correlate èin rapporto principalmente con la lunga latenza della popolazione in esame e alla maggior sensibilità diagnosticadella Tac torace a basse dosi verso queste patologie. Conclusioni: In base alla nostra esperienza, al fine di ottimizzarei benefici di un programma di sorveglianza sanitaria di ex esposti ad amianto, dovrà essere valutata la definizionedi parametri di accesso dei singoli soggetti in rapporto all‘aspettativa di vita, alle condizioni cliniche, altempo trascorso dalla prima esposizione, al tempo di cessazione dall’ultima esposizione. Parametri che insieme adeventuali fattori di rischio influenzeranno il percorso diagnostico.
Asbestos-related diseases in former asbestos-cement workers in Senigallia
Background: A factory that producedasbestos-cement products, using chrysotile, amosite and crocidolite in very low percentages, cement and water,operated in Senigallia from 1948 to 1984. Workers and residents still living in Senigallia are 238. Objectives:The need for an organic response to requests by former workers for protection of health and recognition of occupationaldiseases induced the Prevention and Safety at the Workplace Service in Senigallia/Area Vasta 2 to implement aprogramme of health surveillance. Methods: In 2010 a health surveillance programme was initiated that involved158 subjects, 58 women and 100 men. The average age of men was 75 years and 70 for women. The time elapsedbetween first exposure and participation in the programme was on average 50 years (SD 7.49). The averagenumber of years of exposure to asbestos fibres was 17 (SD 10.36). The programme included counselling activities,especially as regards cessation of smoking, and first and second level health checks. Results: The health surveillanceprogramme enabled us to diagnose pleural plaques and pleural thickening in 81% of the subjects and various degreesof interstitial abnormalities in 49.4%. The high percentage of asbestos-related diseases was connected mainly withthe long latency of the population under study and the higher diagnostic sensitivity of low dose chest CT scan appliedto these diseases. Conclusions: In our experience, in order to optimize the benefits of a health surveillanceprogramme of former workers exposed to asbestos, it will be advisable to define parameters of access to the programmefor individual subjects in relation to life expectancy, clinical conditions, time elapsed since first exposure, time ofcessation of exposure. Such parameters, together with any risk factors, will influence the diagnostic process.
Asbestos-related diseases in former asbestos-cement workers in Senigallia
Background: A factory that producedasbestos-cement products, using chrysotile, amosite and crocidolite in very low percentages, cement and water,operated in Senigallia from 1948 to 1984. Workers and residents still living in Senigallia are 238. Objectives:The need for an organic response to requests by former workers for protection of health and recognition of occupationaldiseases induced the Prevention and Safety at the Workplace Service in Senigallia/Area Vasta 2 to implement aprogramme of health surveillance. Methods: In 2010 a health surveillance programme was initiated that involved158 subjects, 58 women and 100 men. The average age of men was 75 years and 70 for women. The time elapsedbetween first exposure and participation in the programme was on average 50 years (SD 7.49). The averagenumber of years of exposure to asbestos fibres was 17 (SD 10.36). The programme included counselling activities,especially as regards cessation of smoking, and first and second level health checks. Results: The health surveillanceprogramme enabled us to diagnose pleural plaques and pleural thickening in 81% of the subjects and various degreesof interstitial abnormalities in 49.4%. The high percentage of asbestos-related diseases was connected mainly withthe long latency of the population under study and the higher diagnostic sensitivity of low dose chest CT scan appliedto these diseases. Conclusions: In our experience, in order to optimize the benefits of a health surveillanceprogramme of former workers exposed to asbestos, it will be advisable to define parameters of access to the programmefor individual subjects in relation to life expectancy, clinical conditions, time elapsed since first exposure, time ofcessation of exposure. Such parameters, together with any risk factors, will influence the diagnostic process.