Patologia da sovraccarico biomeccanico degli arti superiori: studio retrospettivo di coorte in tre grandi aziende del mobile imbottito / Upper limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders (UL-WMSDs): a retrospective cohort study in three large factories of the upholstered furniture industry
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L’evidenza epidemiologica degli effetti muscolo-scheletrici da movimenti ripetuti e contro resistenza degli arti superiori è riportata in letteratura in vari settori produttivi ed in gran parte con indagini trasversali. Non sono stati a tutt’oggi effettuati studi longitudinali nel settore del mobile imbottito. Obiettivo dello studio è la valutazione dell’incidenza di patologie degli arti superiori lavoro-correlate (UL-WMSDs): tendinite mano-polso, sindrome del tunnel carpale, tendiniti della spalla, epicondilite e la loro relazione con l’attività lavorativa tra i lavoratori di tre aziende di grandi dimensioni, produttrici di mobili imbottiti. Per la valutazione dell’esposizione al rischio di sovraccarico biomeccanico degli arti superiori è stato utilizzato il metodo OCRA. Sono state considerate le seguenti mansioni: addetto al taglio manuale della pelle (attività svolta con l’ausilio di apposita taglierina manuale), addetto alla cucitura del rivestimento (in pelle o tessuto), addetto alla preparazione del fusto imbottito, tappezziere-assemblatore (provvede alla fase terminale di rivestimento del fusto imbottito). Gli anni persona a rischio sono stati calcolati dal 1° gennaio 2000, o dalla data di assunzione se successiva, fino alla prima diagnosi di WMSD o, in assenza di patologie, alla data di fine studio (31 dicembre 2004); non sono stati considerati gli episodi di patologia successivo al primo. I tassi di patologia dell’arto superiore sono stati analizzati utilizzando modelli di regressione multipla di Poisson per il calcolo dei rapporti tra tassi (Rate Ratios, RR) e dei relativi intervalli di confidenza al 95% (C.I. 95%). Le variazioni dei tassi sono in gran parte ascrivibili alle variazione del rischio (e quindi dell’indice OCRA che lo stima in maniera sintetica). I dati sembrano suggerire che un tasso di incidenza di WMSDs superiore ad 1,2 casi per 100 persone-lavoro-anno possa rappresentare un buon valore soglia per sospettare una esposizione al sovraccarico biomeccanico degli arti superiori degna di valutazione analitica. L’analisi dei singoli fattori non evidenzia la maggiore predisposizione del sesso femminile, riscontrata in altri studi, con la sola eccezione della sindrome del tunnel carpale (RR 2.92; C.I. 95% 1.57-5.43). Le patologie tendinee della spalla hanno invece una netta predilezione per la mansione di tagliatore di pelle (RR 4.97; C.I. 95% 2.03-12.16) e fa presupporre che per questa patologia, fra le singole variabili che condizionano il rischio (frequenza, forza, postura, tempi di recupero e fattori complementari), siano prevalenti quelle collegate al fattore postura.
Upper limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders (UL-WMSDs): a retrospective cohort study in three large factories of the upholstered furniture industry
Background: The epidemiological evidence of workrelated musculoskeletal disorders (UL-WMSDs) due to repetitive strain and movements in the various industries has been collected in the literature mainly through cross-sectional surveys. In particular there are no contributions so far regarding the upholstered furniture industry with a longitudinal design. Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence rate of WMSDs such as hand-wrist and shoulder tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and epicondylitis in exposed workers of three large companies of the upholstered furniture industry in a large geographic area of southern Italy. Methods: The OCRA method, recommended by international standard ISO 11228-3 and EN 1005-5, was used for risk assessment. The following work tasks were considered: filling preparation workers, leather-cutting operators, sewing and upholstery-assembly workers. A total population of 5.278 subjects (exposed n=2927, controls n=2351) was investigated. The person/year at risk parameters were calculated from 1 January 2000, or from the date of engagement if later, until the first diagnosis of WMSD or, in absence of disorders, until the end of the study, i.e. 31 December 2004. Disorders occurring after the first were not considered. A multiple regression analysis was used to evaluate relationships between rates. Results and Conclusions: Incidence rates correlated with risk classes of the OCRA index. An incidence rate of WMSDs higher than 1.2 cases per 100 person/year may be considered as a threshold value to suspect an occupational exposure to repetitive strain and movements warranting further investigation. The analysis of single factors did not show a greater predisposition of the female gender, with the single exception of the carpal tunnel syndrome (RR 2.92; 95% CI 1.57-5.43). Shoulder disorders affected mainly male leather-cutting operators (RR 4.97; 95% CI 2.03-12.16) and among all the factors influencing risk (frequency, force, posture, additional risk factors, pauses) posture seems to play a significant role.
Upper limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders (UL-WMSDs): a retrospective cohort study in three large factories of the upholstered furniture industry
Background: The epidemiological evidence of workrelated musculoskeletal disorders (UL-WMSDs) due to repetitive strain and movements in the various industries has been collected in the literature mainly through cross-sectional surveys. In particular there are no contributions so far regarding the upholstered furniture industry with a longitudinal design. Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence rate of WMSDs such as hand-wrist and shoulder tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and epicondylitis in exposed workers of three large companies of the upholstered furniture industry in a large geographic area of southern Italy. Methods: The OCRA method, recommended by international standard ISO 11228-3 and EN 1005-5, was used for risk assessment. The following work tasks were considered: filling preparation workers, leather-cutting operators, sewing and upholstery-assembly workers. A total population of 5.278 subjects (exposed n=2927, controls n=2351) was investigated. The person/year at risk parameters were calculated from 1 January 2000, or from the date of engagement if later, until the first diagnosis of WMSD or, in absence of disorders, until the end of the study, i.e. 31 December 2004. Disorders occurring after the first were not considered. A multiple regression analysis was used to evaluate relationships between rates. Results and Conclusions: Incidence rates correlated with risk classes of the OCRA index. An incidence rate of WMSDs higher than 1.2 cases per 100 person/year may be considered as a threshold value to suspect an occupational exposure to repetitive strain and movements warranting further investigation. The analysis of single factors did not show a greater predisposition of the female gender, with the single exception of the carpal tunnel syndrome (RR 2.92; 95% CI 1.57-5.43). Shoulder disorders affected mainly male leather-cutting operators (RR 4.97; 95% CI 2.03-12.16) and among all the factors influencing risk (frequency, force, posture, additional risk factors, pauses) posture seems to play a significant role.