Musica da auricolari: rischio sottostimato / Music by earphones: an underestimated risk
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Gli autori si sono interessati della esposizione al rumore generato dagli apparecchi di ascolto di musica digitale usati dai ragazzi. L’obiettivo è stato quello di studiare il livello di emissione sonora di alcuni di questi apparecchi al 100%, al 75% ed al 50% del volume sonoro di ascolto. Utilizzando un manichino è stato misurato il LeqA, LmaxA, il LeqC ed il picco in C di nove tra gli apparecchi più in uso tra i ragazzi, ai livelli sonori di emissione del 100%, del 75% e del 50%. Si è visto che tutti gli apparecchi superano i 100 dBA di Leq al 100% del volume di ascolto. Si è quindi effettuato il calcolo del Lex8, come da D.Lgs. 195/06, cui questi ragazzi sono esposti allorché usino tali apparecchi per 15, 30, 60 minuti al giorno. È risultato che le esposizioni quotidiane dei ragazzi, che usino per soli 15 minuti tali apparecchi al massimo del volume di ascolto, superano il valore limite di esposizione quotidiana per i lavoratori, fissato, dal D.Lgs. 195/06, ad 87 dBA.
Music by earphones: an underestimated risk
Background: The authors studied exposure to the noise generated by digital music listening devices (MP3) as used by young people. Objectives: to study the level of sound emission of some of these devices at 100%, 75% and 50% volume. Methods: Using a mannequin, the LeqA, LmaxA, LeqC and the peak in C of nine of the most commonly used devices was measured at levels of sound emission of 100%, 75% and 50%. Results: It was found that all the devices exceeded 100 dBA of Leq at 100% of the listening volume. We therefore estimated the Lex8, as recommended in Italian Law 195/06, to which these young people are exposed using the devices for 15, 30, and 60 minutes/day. Conclusions: Young people undergoing daily exposures for only 15 minutes at maximal listening volume exceed the limit value of daily occupational exposure for workers, which Law 195/06 fixes at 87 dBA.
Music by earphones: an underestimated risk
Background: The authors studied exposure to the noise generated by digital music listening devices (MP3) as used by young people. Objectives: to study the level of sound emission of some of these devices at 100%, 75% and 50% volume. Methods: Using a mannequin, the LeqA, LmaxA, LeqC and the peak in C of nine of the most commonly used devices was measured at levels of sound emission of 100%, 75% and 50%. Results: It was found that all the devices exceeded 100 dBA of Leq at 100% of the listening volume. We therefore estimated the Lex8, as recommended in Italian Law 195/06, to which these young people are exposed using the devices for 15, 30, and 60 minutes/day. Conclusions: Young people undergoing daily exposures for only 15 minutes at maximal listening volume exceed the limit value of daily occupational exposure for workers, which Law 195/06 fixes at 87 dBA.